Wednesday, September 30, 2015

September 27, 2015

First Sunday back. Up and going early, I was cooking up a storm because I was going to take lunch for the girls and then we wanted to have company for lunch. On Saturday, Carlos had said that he could go to Shucutitan with us, so we planned to pick him up at Apaneca.  When we arrived, he was not at the stop, so we went on to church.  Soon after our arrival he came and said he had run late and just taken the bus.  It was great to see everyone and Linda and Rachel had prepared a great program for the children after the sermon.  Because the church had been going through the Bible, each of about 25ish children quoted a verse from the different lessons.  Afterwards the children had gifts and a cake.  It was a nice event.  I left the girls their lunch and we left for lunch with Ricardo, Joli, Carlos and Lucky.  Joli had started the Debra Ministries in Santa Telca, near San Salvador and she had asked me to do one of the lessons on mentoring October 24th.  So, we were meeting to get final details on the lesson. It was funny because Ricardo and Joli had to go by their home in Juayua to pick up their computer and they didn’t arrive at the house until 1 o’clock.  We laughed and said they had gone home to take a nap first.  When they left we rested for about 30 minutes and then headed for Juayua.  We picked up Isabel Chaves on the way.  She had not come to the morning service in Shucutitan because her husband had surgery for an infection in his intestines.  He had just come home from the hospital, so she stayed with him.  We had a good turnout for the service.  When we got home we stayed up and packed a while because we were hoping to get an early start on Monday with moving.  We sure had a busy day before a big move.

Children's Program at Shucutitan

Ladies at Shucutitan

Service at Juayua

Service at Juayua

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