Early start. Up at 3:45 to help a sister go to the hospital
in Ahuachapán. Yesenia is expecting and
due in February and she is having a lot of problems with her leg veins. So, she needs to see a specialist. We left at 5, while it was still dark and
arrived at the end of her street at 5:30.
While we waited about 15 minutes, the sun came up. When we arrived in Ahuachapán, Dwaine jumped
out and took a bus on back to Juayua and then on to Salcoatitan with Cesar for
the summer course. We drove on to the
hospital. There was already a line, but not too long. We entered the waiting room. While I have been to this hospital before, I
have never been allowed to enter. She
first had an appointment with her baby doctor.
In front of everyone in the waiting room, of which there were probably
150 people, you have to weigh on a huge scale.
How is that for privacy!!! I
waited while she saw her doctor and when she came out, we moved to the other end
of the room in a little covey and waited for her to see her specialiss. The final verdict was to use a pair of
cardiac stockings, take some meds and come back. So, we walked a long way first to make the next
appointment. Of course there was a long
line. Second, we walked another long
distance to stand in line for meds. In
that line, Yesenia decided she had some questions for the nurse, so I stayed in
line, uncertain if I could have any success since I had no insurance identification. When I got to the window
I explained that I was picking up the meds for a friend. The meds are free. The lady was very cordial and she was
convinced that I was married to an El Salvadorian and that was why I was in
line inside a hospital that requires El Sal insurance. It was funny, but in the end she gave me the
meds. I found a seat and waited for
Yesenia. I was surprised at the number
of people that stopped and asked me if I needed help. Yesenia arrived after a short time and after
getting some answers, she needed to make her third appointment….so back to the
appointment line. It was all so
funny. We stopped by Mr. Pizza on our way out and
ordered a small pizza. Yesenia finished
hers and helped me finish mine. I know
she didn’t eat breakfast and was really hungry.
As we reached the outskirts of town, we came upon a terrible motorcycle
accident. It looked like two on the bike
came around the corner too fast. Three
police were there, but no ambulance yet.
They were letting one car pass at a time. So, we were waiting right in front of them for
about 5 minutes. I thought for a long
time, one was dead, but he finally moved a foot. The second’s face was completely covered in
blood and he was writhing in pain. It
was horrific. Neither had helmets. We will never know any outcome, but will
remain in prayer. For the afternoon, we
went to Idalia and Jennifer’s for a study on conversions in Acts. Mario was not home, but out for work. That is good news as it gives us time to talk
and we can repeat the lesson when Mario if available. One incident happened that was
interesting. We had invited two children
from Juayua to our summer course. They
were the kids who lived near our first home in Juayua and would often stand at
the door calling for Wicket. They did
not show up at Juayua. Dwaine said they
walked by at Salcoatitan and therefore joined that group! Well, the good news is that they were
visiting a church in Juayua, but hopefully they will come to Salcoatitan since
they have no ties there. We will be in
prayer for them. Don Santos did not come
for the evening, so we went to Salcoatitan for their evening service.