Sunday, December 4, 2016

December 3, 2016

Down Day.  Is there such a thing?  Dwaine ran some early morning errands and I spent the morning preparing for the summer course.  Jim Norville had brought a notebook from a summer class I taught years ago for a foundation for two days of teaching I will do in the upcoming week.  I could remember it had lots of hands on activities, so it is a start for the class.  It is a slow process to see what I can do with a two groups of students of 10 to 22 and ages 9 – 18.  The kids would love anything so it is a matter of what I can get my hands on to present the lessons.  My main goals are to get the children excited about coming back, meet some parents, learn some science and have a great time with the childrens…..all glorifying God in the process.  I pray all will come together.  We did a late morning run for groceries to get ready for a meal on Sunday with Douglas and Sonja.  We planned to make a visit to one lady for the afternoon, named Rut.  She is a teacher and had visited a couple of Ladies’ Events.  She had said she would have some free time in December, so we wanted to follow through with that.  But, then we had a late season hard rain for the afternoon and decided to shoot for early week, as she lives on a dirt road that is a little round about to get to.  We have slowly learned people don’t like visits in the pouring rain.  So, we worked on around the house with some projects and some cooking and finally a funny movie. It was a good day, but out of character and we both felt like we had a little cabin fever at the end.  To me that is funny with only one slow day.  

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