Friday, March 4, 2016

March 1, 2016

Weekly meeting for leaders was postponed from Tuesday to Thursday, so we also swapped our morning study with Celia.  She had been sick last week with an allergy, so it was good to bump her up just a little bit.  We studied the New Testament church as described in Acts 2.  I now keep a little notebook in my purse to write down what is covered in every lesson, so I can remember.  It is a good problem to have when there are so many studies going on that you can’t remember what you studied from one to the other.  She is always so sweet to have us into her home.  She had given me some güisquil, which is a vegetable in the chayote family, or should I say squash.  Well, you can guess what I did with it….bread of course.  So, I had a loaf of bread to give her on Tuesday.  She really appreciated it. She did commit go going to Santa Catherina with us on Saturday.  That is exciting that we will taking visitors to an out of town event! Next, we dropped by Selectos because we were having Don Santos and family and a friend with family coming for dinner.  During lunch I worked on cooking and Dwaine worked on cleaning.  At 2, Seyli came so we left for Sister Ana’s and our study with their daughters.  Marina and Erica were there, so it was a great opportunity to study.  I wanted to invite them to the ladies event on Saturday, but I knew it would be a challenge to have Ana come.  She can’t walk, but she wants to try.  I also wanted to offer an opportunity for her daughters to visit.  When we return at the end of March, we are going to try to start going by if anyone will go with us to services.  We already pick up Regina and family, so it will be a new challenge.  Afterwards, we worked to prepare for the dinner. Dwaine had washed dishes and had done a lot of cleaning during the afternoon.  We were expecting Don Santos, Sonia and Jimmy and were hoping that Eber and his wife and two children would come also.  They did not make it.  We told Don Santos that we had not really prepared a study for him and asked if he had any questions.  He said he would like to study about the 10 commandments and that was a great starting point to study the old and new covenants.  It was a good study and then we ate all of the delicious dinner that we could but of course there was a lot left over.  Guess we will be enjoying this the rest of the week. 

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