Friday, March 4, 2016

March 3, 2016

Packed out.  We had changed our weekly leader's meeting to Thursday this week because there was a meeting in Ahuachapan about the medical mission that will be held here in Juayua on Monday March 21 and in the afternoon of that day in Salcoatitan.  They will offer exams, bring clothes, food bags, and give free haircuts and dispense free medicine.  They did want us to be well organized when they arrived and also to provide them with lunch.  Both Yoli and Linda were able to come to this meeting and they said they sure would miss Charlotte being here to help with the meal for them. I think it will be a great outreach opportunity and we wish we could be here for it but cannot change our plans.  We organized for the trip to Santa Catarina and between the people here in Juayua and those in Salcoatitan we hope to have about 35 people going.  We decided we would take two pickups, two cars and a van.  After lunch Charlotte and I went back up to the road in front of our church location and had our first study with Evelia. Charlotte talked about the Ethiopian Eunuch and seeking God. I talked about the parable of the sower and the seed being the word.  After that I walked back to the house and Charlotte went on up to go with Seyli to some other studies. First, we went to Wendy and Oscar’s.  Oscar was home with the baby, but Wendy was out.  I invited them to our home study and told them Dwaine could come by at the bottom of the hill to pick them up.  Reina was home, so we had a study with her.  We have worked through conversions and today we studied baptism.  She had not been baptized in any church, and I am prayerful for her decision.  We had worked hard to have her come one Sunday, but she had to go to the clinic that morning for some injections.  So, I also invited her to the night study and said Dwaine could come by.  I was beginning to think that I overcommitted the space in the car.  Next, Seyli and I drove up to ConSat, a car repair place, to visit with Floramarina.  She wasn’t home.  So, we walked up to Alba’s to invite her family to the study and confirm a study on Friday afternoon.  She was cooking pupusas and couldn’t come tonight.  Seyli walked on home and I walked back to ConSat.  Amazingly, Floramarina was home. It is hard to catch her at home.  She is planning to make the Saturday trip to Santa Catherina, so I wanted to give her the times.  We also talked about other events.     For Dwaine,…after going to Family Dispensa, the credit union and Selectos as well as stopping by Eber's shop to invite him for the night, I washed the dishes and finished cleaning and getting the house ready for people to come for the home Bible study this week.  When Charlotte got home she thought she finished the cooking and about 5:40 I went back up and picked up Mr. Rivas, Celia and Floramarina.  Charlotte said for me to go by the cemetery road because Reina, Wendy and Oscar said they would come tonight.  We were running behind by the time we went by there and I did not see anyone so I only stopped for a minute.  By the time everyone arrived for the study we had 8 members Mario and Seyli, Regina and Arnoldo, Jose Manuel and Tatiana, and Charlotte and me.  We had 18 visitors, Mr. Rivas, Floramarina, Celia, Jose, Kelly, Kiki and Nicole, Socorro, Don Santos, Sonja and Jimmy, Wendy and Oscar with their new baby (it was the first time they have attended anything since the baby was born) Reina and her daughter, Joselyn and two grandchildren. Charlotte did not get to be in the study because she had to go back in the kitchen to fix more food.   It sure was exciting and again gave me the feeling of almost wishing we could see all of you and our loved ones there without having to leave here. But I am sure the two weeks will fly by.  

Seyli and Charlotte treking up a road to invite Alba to our study.

Eveing Bible Study in our home.

We also visited our landlord's home and took some photos of some
potential sleeping arrangements for our campaign group
this summer.

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