Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 4, 2016

Great news! Sunday preparation.  Material arrived late for our next quarter teaching, so I took another Sunday to teach.  Yesenia helped me out and will teach for September.  One aspect that is different here than in the States is that teaching is during the entire service.  Since I teach many Sunday’s and all Wednesday’s, I am rarely in a service.  It is good to see the program grow and we had 15 children this week.  I am trying to get materials ready in our absence for Arnoldo.  He does a good job teaching and now Gisela is also visiting the class and hopefully will teach in the future.  We did some cooking for the afternoon so Monday would not be so hectic.  Dwaine snapped beans and I got a roast on for barbecue.  At Salcoatitan, Dwaine led the Lord’s Supper thoughts and I taught with Linda.  Many of Ana’s family came and Carolina and Marina joined the children’s class.  I think they thoroughly enjoyed being in the class!  Marina is not a Christian and we hope this will be a chance to learn and desire the fellowship with the children and be a motivation to become a part of the body.  For the evening, we visited with Xiomara and her family.  We are still studying baptism because Xiomara and Gisela are still thinking they want to be baptized.  At the end, they wanted to make that decision!  They wanted to try Wednesday morning.  Xiomara, through the study and for this past week, has been in a lot of pain.  She did not physically think she could manage at the moment.  With much todo, she did say she would go to the doctor on Monday.  Hopefully, she will start to make some progress in feeling better!  Keep her in your prayers!

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