Monday, April 11, 2016

April 6, 2016

After our morning home routine of Charlotte's cooking breads and cookies to take for the day and my washing up afterwards and our walking Wicket on Wednesdays we always pick Cesar up at 9:00 to head up to the home of Mario and Seyli to do our studies.  Charlotte and Seyli went over study with Julia and after that she was going to head back home because she wanted to stop by and visit Socorro since Socorro’s sister was in town before she had her afternoon studies.  But she was out.  We had a good study with Delmy and two of her daughters sat in as well and she promised to come to the evening service at the building.  Afterward we went by Mr. Rivas but he has been out for the last few times we have tried to visit him so we headed up to see if Rafael was home but he was also out so Mario gave us a ride back to this end of town since Charlotte had already come home on the car.  Charlotte and I walked over to Socorro’s to invite her and her sister over for dessert with Charlotte at 3:00 and she said that was good.  Arnoldo came over for lunch which is now our regular thing on Wednesdays and about 2:30 Cesar came over and after a bite of dessert.  From Charlotte, I stayed home for Socorro and Mercedes were coming over to have a dessert and study.  I know Socorro does not want a full study with her sister visiting, so I kept it to a devotional.  They stayed for about an hour and a half.  From Dwaine….I headed over to visit Sister Ana with Cesar and Arnoldo.  She was doing good and I asked her if we were coming too often since Charlotte and Seyli were coming on Tuesdays now and she was attending services on Sundays.  She said she would let Charlotte know any time she did not feel up to us coming the next day but otherwise come on.  Then we went by the home of Mario and Sara to ask them if they wanted to come to services at 6 and they said yes.  They were going to be next to our house picking their son up from school at 5:30 so we worked out that Charlotte would take all of them back by their house so their son could change from his school uniform and she would go on to pick up Regina and Family and come back by for them.  Because there were so many riding with her I walked up to the building and made sure everything was ready for everyone's arrival.  We had a great turn out.  Along with Mario, Sara and their kids, we had Don Santos, Sonja and Jimmy, Amalia (Mr. Riva's grandmother), Julia and then Delmy, three daughters, her son and two grand babies.  I taught the adult study and the two little kids played around the room most of the time so between their distractions and my Spanish I was a little discouraged but tried to make the best of it.  We also had Kelly, Kiki and Nicole but of course Kelly is not a visitor not but it was a little funny because I was calling on people to read verses (whoever found the verse first) and Kiki read almost all of them.  After services Charlotte had a ladies meeting at Cesar and Eliza's and I took a carload of folks back over to Regina's house.  We have bucket seats and Arnoldo and Kenya sat in the front passenger seat and I thought he would just sit between us as Charlotte always does but instead he sat in his sister's lap the whole time.  I felt guilty because we had not had dinner and I knew Charlotte's meeting would go long as always so I raided the fridge and there were plenty of leftovers so I helped myself even in my guilt.  Sure enough she did not get home till near 10:00. From Charlotte, we planned the May ladies' event.  In May Eliza's parents and one brother and his fiancĂ© are coming to assist for one month.  Each month they go to a different congregation.  So, for the ladies' Eliza's mom will teach the ladies and her future sister-in-law will do the craft.  They two ladies will also teach the children's classes.  This will give a much needed respite from the load where we can focus more on visitors and studies.  What a blessing!  Alas, returning at 10, I just passed on dinner.  I was glad had gone ahead and eaten:)

I stopped by to set up our study with Floramarina.
She shared a beautiful embroidery piece.

Socorro on the right and her sister, Mercedes on the left.

Mario, Sara, Carlos and Gisela came to our evening service!

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