Saturday, April 9, 2016

April 5, 2016

Prayer Meeting.  I am trying to organize a prayer hour each Tuesday morning after our ladies’ event.  Three came, Tatiana who is a visitor, Ulma and Eliza.  While it was a small group we had a good visit and a long talk with Tatiana, who is 19.  At the end, about 10:30, we set up a study with her to start on Thursday.  I planned to ask Suleyma to join the study because she has asked me several times to start back studying since Danielito is better.  One ‘note,’ literally, Tatiana sang a beautiful solo during our meeting together and it was absolutely beautiful.  What talent!  Tati also said she would go with me to Santa Ana for the seminar on Sunday.  Arnoldo and Lisbeth are also going, so that will be a great opportunity to build friendships.  After lunch, I went to Sister Ana’s.  This was the first time that Regina joined Seyli and me for the study.  It was good to have her get out again.  Ana’s daughters were not at home, so we studied Naaman for her encouragement.  From Dwaine, we had decided to study separately with Don Santos and Sonja because he and I do all the talking and Sonja does not participate.  When they arrived we visited for a little bit and then told them our idea.  Sonja looked very dubious but said ok but she said Jimmy needed to stay with her so we left Sonja, Jimmy and Charlotte in the kitchen area and Don Santos and I headed to the living room.  He had mentioned before about how he believed that someone really needed to know a lot before being baptized so we studied Phillip and the Eunuch and about all he knew was the passage from Isaiah and the gospel that Phillip preached to him about Jesus which included the response in baptism.  He then asked how many times someone could be baptized and told me for the first time that he had been baptized in the Catholic church when he was very young.  We talked about that and about how Charlotte and I both had been baptized twice because in each case the first time was for the wrong reasons.  He then said that his sister had joined an evangelical church some years ago and that his mother had not had anything to do with her since so we studied the passage about placing family members ahead of Jesus.  It was obvious he was running out of excuses and feeling a little uncomfortable but at the end he said it was a good study.  I hope he is getting close. 

Prayer Time

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