Friday, August 14, 2015

August 13, 2015

Sick day.  Dwaine has been sick off and on for several days with upset stomach, but today was rough for him.  It was reminiscent of Clifton’s visit.  He rested much of the day and never could feel good enough to go out.  He is always on the go, so it is hard to see him feeling so bad.  He still wanted to wash dishes and work on clothes.  He finally seceded and let me do some.   He always wants to help me. Midmorning we heard some noise outside, so we checked it out.  Wow, the younger grades had made wearable transportation models and they lined up for a parade for all the city to see!  I thought those kids were quite talented, but I am thinking they may have had some help from moms and dads.   I had a midday appointment with Linda and Rachel to do some final planning on the teacher’s workshop in October.  Linda will be sending out invitations to about 10 congregations and we are hoping from 75 to 100 to come.  Since we are leaving in a week, we wanted to be sure that everything was in order.  Afterwards, Dwaine and I had planned to go to two studies in Shucutitan, but he just couldn’t make it.  I really can’t go by myself since these are in areas that might not be good for me to be alone.  We will have a day to go next week.  Dwaine finally felt like trying to eat some toast and eggs, and someone knocked at the door.  Bessy, Isabel and Bessy’s daughter Valentina, and Isabel’s granddaughter, Gabriela came by for a visit.  Earlier, I had talked to Bessy because we had wanted to visit her mother.  But her mother was working, so she had called to cancel.  They came by because I had told her Dwaine did not feel good.  I had some coloring books for the girls that I had made, so they had a big time.  It was a good visit.  We had some coffee and zucchini bread, so Dwaine didn’t want to try to eat anything else after they left for a couple of hours.  That made for a late dinner.  He slept upstairs, in case he has a virus. Shout out to Caleb and Della’s 10th wedding anniversary!

Transportation Parade!

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