Sunday, August 9, 2015

August 7, 2015

Lost and found.  Wednesday while we were in Juayua, Charlotte had lost her main pair of glasses.  I had run back by Sister Anna's to see if they were there because that was the last place she could remember having them.  They were not there and a thorough look through the car got no results.  Charlotte had a backup pair of just reading glasses but they do not work well because her eyes are not exactly the same strength and the prescription pair accommodated for this.  We had gone to visit with Omar, Emily and Gisela after Anna's on Wed. but as soon as we sat down with them she said she could not find her glasses.  She had gotten by on Thursday but she sure was missing her good pair.  This morning we spent the morning getting ready for Charlotte's seminar in Santa Katarina on Saturday.   In the afternoon Pedrito wanted to come and spend the night to help Charlotte get ready and to go with us on Saturday.  Charlotte had several things she needed copied and I dropped those off on the way to pick up Pedrito.  When I got to his home his parents were both there because Pedro was on vacation this week. Charlotte wanted some items for the seminar including some dirt from their back yard and some leaves from their trees.  They thought that was pretty funny.  After that Pedrito and I went by Selectos because Charlotte also had a list of things for me to pick up from there.  After leaving Selectos I ran back by the copy place to pick those up.  The copy place is on a street between two streets that lead back to the road out of town.  One is the main street and the other is the back street that Omar's family's home and small store is located on.  Most of the time I would just go out the main street but for some reason I do not know I took the back street.  As I passed the little store at Omar's they all started shouting at me and so I pulled over and Omar ran out with Charlotte's glasses.  Apparently when we first got to their house on Wednesday Charlotte had set them down on a table without thinking about it and did not remember that she had and they were not discovered until after we had left.  I thanked them profusely and told them how much this would mean to Charlotte.  When I got home she absolutely could not believe it and was so thankful that she had her glasses again.  I washed dishes and did all I could but went on to bed at ten.  Pedrito stayed up and worked seriously until midnight.  Charlotte said she could not have imagined trying to get everything done without all the help he gave.  He is artistic, and talented and a hard worker.  Charlotte worked on until 1:30 and in the next blog you will hear how the seminar went.  

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