Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 10, 2016

Since we made our trip to San Salvador on Monday, Tuesday was a flip flop.  Dwaine did the weekly meeting with Cesar and Carlos.  Each Tuesday after a ladies’ meeting, I host a prayer session from all the requests from the ladies from our event.  We had 19 written requests.  It was actually Mother’s Day here, so not many came.  It is an opportunity to honor the requests that were made, to know our ladies better and to lift the requests to the Lord.  I translate the requests to English for myself so I am sure what each requests is and I type it all out in Spanish because many words are often misspelled.  We had a group 6 and we used our whole hour for prayer.  It was a blessing.  Linda and I headed back to the house and the men were finishing up.  After lunch I went to Sister Ana’s with Seily.  We are studying I Peter and one daughter, Sonja, joined us.  She is now regularly sitting in on the study.  We were able to give Ana her new walker we were able to find in San Salvador.  We had a good laugh because her room is level, of course, dirt floors, but outside her door, it is downhill.  She was laughing that she would get going downhill and not be able to stop.  But, the final promised, was just to tool around her room with someone close by.  We are prayerful this will help.  Dwaine went out with Cesar to study with Rafael, who was not well and Eber.  We both got back home about 4:30.  Dwaine had walked to Don Santos and they were going to Santo Ana to visit with their son for Mother’s Day.  So, they would be out for the night.  So, we did various things, cleaning, baking, studying, etc.  

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