Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 19, 2016

In the last week, I had swapped Thursday morning study times so that Floramarina and Claudia would be early and Tatiana would be late.  Alas, Floramarina had already left early to go visit her mother.  She is a hard person to connect with.  Claudia was home and it was a great study.  Kenia went with me and Claudia mentioned she was headed towards becoming a Christian.  She is coming on Sunday’s now and some studies.  It will be great to see our youth grow.  For Tatiana, she is also considering a decision, but she has a difficult time attending services.  We did a study on the body and commitment to the body.  We are in prayer for her as well.  Her grandparents said they would be willing to study too, so we hope to start that soon.  Break for lunch and waited for Mario and Sara to arrive for a study.  We are hoping for a date of Sunday, May 29th for their wedding.  Sara said she was interviewing for a job in Santa Ana where she would leave each morning at 4:30 and arrive home about 5:30.  After paying for bus fare, she would make a few cents over $3 per day.  That may be enough to feed her family each day.  We cannot imagine.  For the night, we had our study at Mario and Seily’s.  It was a good turnout with several visitors.  Seily’s served some iced coffee that was really delicious!

Evening Bible Study

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