Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 4, 2016

Our traditional day to go out, Dwaine and Cesar went to Mr. Rivas.  They said that Amalia sat in on the study.  Mario was in San Salvador because his sister, who had given him her kidney, was now having back surgery.  I went out with Seyli.  Unfortunately, she was coming down with a cold and did not feel very well.  We went first to Julia’s and she told a few stories and then listened intently.  Sometimes she seems focused and other times she seems far away.  I often think of the verse where we plant and water and God makes it grow in I Corinthians 3:6.  I am thankful for that verse.  So, we keep planting and water and God will give the increase.  Next, we went to Briseida’s home.  She tried to call her husband to invite him to come to the study, but he was working.  Interestingly, Seyli asked again if Briseida remembered the lesson she had now heard twice and she sure could.  I think she made some good mental notes on the second go round.  Seyli led this study on church organization.  Briseida usually comes to the ladies’ event and there is one coming up soon, as well as a day of prayer that follows.  Briseida always writes special prayer requests and this week her little girl was pretty sick with a cold.  I walked with her some to quiet her.  I could tell she did not feel well.  I must admit it usually takes the babies a few minutes to warm up to me.  My ‘white skin’ is a frightening thing for them, along with my Spanish.  Between the two, I have to work hard, but she let me hold her about 20 minutes, so we were coming along.  Afterwards, I took Seyli home and the men were done because Delmi had not been able to study.  They had also handed out some invitations.  We went home for lunch and Arnoldo joined us.  Today, I had to work on some things for the ladies’ event, so we didn’t get too much visit time.  Sometimes Dwaine and I take a 20 minute nap while he is here….I only got 5 minutes today and sometimes he takes a short nap too.  It is good he feels like he can rest some.  Cesar joined us and we all left out about 3, Dwaine, Cesar and Arnoldo to Sister Ana’s and I went to Socorro’s.  Dwaine said that Gloria sat in on their study too. Socorro is going to the States for a month, leaving on the 9th and returning in about a month.  I hate desperately that she will be gone so long.  Her sister had just left to go back to the States and that already interrupted our flow.  We are just now getting back going and there were be another interruption.  We had a long study on baptism and Dwaine passed by to help carry some items I had taken and we invited him in to relate his personal experience regarding baptism.  It is so difficult when someone has been baptized in another group. What are their teachings on baptism and what was the person’s understanding of that event.  We present the scriptures and let God make that increase again.  That study went long, until, after 5 with Bible study at 6.  Socorro did say she would go.  So, we went home for a few minutes and scrambled around to finish up getting ready.  I left to go get Regina and family and Dwain said he would get a taxi.  When I got to Regina’s, the two girls said they would walk because Tatiana was going with them and I still needed to get Socorro.  Since they walked, I called Dwaine and he said he would just wait for me at Socorro’s since there was room now. We had a good turnout.  I taught the children’s class and Dwaine teaches on the first Wednesday of the month.  I don’t ever know who is visiting, but afterwards, Dwaine came and got me to speak to Floramarina and Claudia, who was visiting for the first time to a service.  I was jumping up and down!  It was great to have them there.  We got home about 8 after we took everyone home.  

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