Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 5, 2016

Happy Birthday Dwaine!  Cinco de Mayo is Dwaine’s 41 birthday for being a Christian! 


I say it best when I say nothing at all.  This morning we picked up Regina so that she could go with Charlotte on studies with Tatiana and then Flora Marina and Claudia.  I went so that I could drop them off and then take the car for an overdue wash and vac.  First we stopped by Jose and Kelly so that Charlotte could go over with Kelly about leading a prayer for the ladies' event on Saturday.  It took a long time at the car wash so as soon as they finished I headed back up to leave the car with Charlotte and walk home.  They were still studying with Tatiana so I knew I had some time so after walking by Selectos for a few items for tonight I came home and hung out towels and gave Wicket a bath which was also overdue.


When we arrived at the church building to study with Tatianna, I walked over to speak to her grandparents.  They visited a few minutes and said that we could come by and study with them sometime too.  So, we were running late getting started.  We had already studied faith and repentance, so we were studying baptism.  Tatiana had been baptized a group earlier.  She did say that after she made a decision to be follow Jesus, there was two months of study and then her baptism.  We studied for over an hour and in the end, I asked what her thoughts were in relation to our study and her baptism and she said, “My baptism does not serve me.”  It is rare to have that kind of comment.  I did encourage her to talk with her grandparents and her mother.  Her mother lives in Spain and she had requested a picture of Tatiana and me together this week.  Tatiana is 19.  I also tried to talk to her about the church as a family.  She has come to events and even trips, but has not come to service yet.  Well, we made some steps today and I was so thankful for her attention and honesty.  I am praying for her faithfully.  Next, we walked to Floramarina’s and Claudia’s.  Floramarina was not there.  Most everyday she has to go into town to buy supplies for they have a little store and sell pupusas and tortillas.  Claudia and her daughter-in-law, Ana, said she had waited on us to study, but finally had to go on.  So, we had a devo with Claudia because she would have to get ready for class about noon.  We were almost finished and Floramarina arrived.  She had been sick for almost a month, but she was definitely feeling better with much energy.  We said that she wanted to host next week’s Bible study on Thursday and she apologized for not coming sooner to service since she had been sick.  She said that her family that went to church in Santa Caterina, actually lived closer to Salcoatitan and may start going there.  Then, she said that since Juayua did not have a Church of Christ for a long time, her and Claudia had gone to another church.  She was baptized in that church.  Her question for me was, “Will my baptism serve me?”  At that point we were already standing to leave, so we talked a few minutes and I said that she would have to decide that for herself after we could have a study on it and see what the Bible says.  So, we are going to try to get them to an earlier time slot which will work better for them.  What encouraging studies!  Then I took Regina home.  Suleyma was home and she said she was going to be a little late coming to the ladies’ event on Saturday and would not be able to help Seyli cook pupusas.  I just said we could talk about it tonight.  Kelly was planning to help, so we could check to see if that was enough.  I finally arrived about 12:30.  We were just about to eat and someone knocked on the door.  Reina was there with one daughter, Daniella.  Her only daughter that works, Tatiana (another Tatiana from the earlier study) was sick and unable to work for a few days.  Reina and her household gather wood everyday to just have enough to cook a meal everyday.  They live on dirt floors and have very little.  I had some medicines to send and we helped a little.  We were thankful to have to opportunity to help just a bit and we ended with a prayer.  Reina studies every week, but has not come to church.  She had come to some house studies. 


We ate and after lunch and a short rest it was time for Mario and Sara to arrive for a study.  We had not studied with them in a long while but since they had started back coming to most of the services we had wanted to get back to studying.  We had prepared a study on trusting in God and not in self and though the study went well it was probably not needed in the end.  Charlotte said that the whole time I was reading or talking they kept looking at each other and acting sheepish.  So when we finished I thought I was taking the direct approach and said what can we do to help you two get married and baptized.  I was expecting Mario to go into his diatribe of reasons why things were just too difficult right now but instead they said they were ready to do whatever they need to in order to get married.  Theirs should be easy because though they are living together neither of them have been married before.  Also they were both born in Juayua so we just have to go to the city hall here to get their birth certificates which are required for a marriage.  They also said they wanted to go through the adoption process with their son Carlitos because Mario is not his father by blood and they want both the children to have the same last name.  That should be easy also since Sara said the birth father is not in the situation at all.  I told them that I had realized that they had probably already made their decisions before they got here and were just waiting for me to finish.  They just smiled.  It is so amazing that just before we left we had pretty much given up on them and then they just on their own started attending everything and we got the hint that something had changed.  We told them we want the wedding to be at our house and Charlotte said they could get married and baptized all in the same day…two marriages in one day.  Sara said she had been baptized so we discussed that a little and decided we would study about baptism the next time we get together.  After they left we finished getting ready for the Thursday night group study in our house. We had chicken salad sandwiches and chocolate cookies and so many folks we ran out. As typical, Kelly who helped Charlotte serve, did without.  That is becoming the standard. We ended up with 32 counting us and kids and over half were visitors.  I had taken the car to pick up people from the end of town where most of our contacts live.  As I arrived Seyli was walking down from her house because Mario is still in San Salvador with his sister who had surgery Monday.  We had her and 5 more ladies so I told her to drive and I would walk.  I decided to go by William's house and see if he would come.  He was not dressed but he said give him a minute and he would.  While I waited outside a taxi let someone off across the way so I waved to him and he came and waited for William to come out so we arrived almost the same time as the folks in our car did.  Afterwards I gave a car load a ride back and quite a few just walked since it was a nice night.

Nice dragonfly!

Meeting at our home.


Meeting at our home.

Some extras too!

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