Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May 8, 2016

Two good to be true.  We went by to pick up Regina and when we arrived there was Bro. Jose Manuel and his wife and two kids so we told them to hop in.  We also had Arnoldo and then we picked up Sara and her two kids so we were jammed as usual.  We had a really good turnout for service with several visitors.  Mr. Rivas came for the first Sunday in a while.  Brother Azucena, Eliza's father, did the preaching.  When the invitation was given Kiki, Jose and Kelly's son, said he was ready to be baptized.  I had studied with him on Saturday afternoon but he had given no indications of deciding soon.  Charlotte asked me if I knew and I said only at this moment.  After service, I ran home to get the pool and hose and some towels and when I got back Charlotte said Carolina, the 20 year old granddaughter of Sister Ana wanted to be baptized.  She has a little girl who is about 5 but she has never been married.  The father has not been around for a long time now. She is the daughter of Dora, Ana's daughter who passed away suddenly this past year. Charlotte has been studying with her and Ana's other daughters on Tuesdays for a while and most of them have come with Ana to services on Sundays.  It sure was great.  Even Kiki's parents said he had not told them anything before his decision.  At first he had said he wanted to be baptized when they were and then he decided to wait and they told him just whenever he was ready.  By the time we got home we did not have long to have lunch and get ready to go to Salcoatitan.  A lady who had come to the ladies event on Saturday said she wanted to go to the afternoon service and she was ready and waiting when we went by to pick her up.  She also said she should be able to come to the Tuesday morning prayer meeting that Charlotte has every Tuesday after the ladies’ event here in Juayua to honor the prayer requests that are turned in at the event.  At Salcoatitan, Charlotte taught the children’s class.  The class is taught around the corner from the church on a closed in porch.  She said that a man who was a little intoxicated joined the class and did not want to leave.  Surely he was looking for a ‘gift,’ but silver or gold have I none….so, maybe he heard the message being taught to the children.  We are so excited about all the blessings that have been showering down here lately.  Keep praying for more.

Kiki's decision to follow Jesus

Carolina before the baptism


Kiki's family, Nicole, Kelly and Jose

Cesar and Kiki

Washing away sins!

Carolina's Cofession

Carolina's baptism

Ready for prayer

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