Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May 14, 2016

Times they are a’changin…..We had planned a leadership trip today to Lake Coatepeque near Santa Ana, but at the last minute Ricardo and Yoli had a conflict.  Yoli had been working several stores, both in Ahuachapan and near the beach beyond Sonsonate.  She was turning over the stores in Ahuachapan to relatives and will only work the store near Sonsonate.  Saturday ended up being her last day in Ahuachapan and therefore she was definitely tied up.  So, we said that we could schedule this for another time.  With an unexpected open day, we decided to go visiting.  First, we stopped by Evelia’s.  She is the lady that makes tortillas near the church building and has been sick with kidney problems for quite a long time.  A while back she had come to a lady’s event and we had one study with her before she got sick. Afterwards, Suleyma and I had gone by several times for visits.  So, Saturday, Dwaine went with me and while I visited with Evelia, he talked to her husband.  He said that he would read ‘Que ice La Biblia:’ so it was a good open door.  She was doing better health wise, but was in the bed.  Next, we walked to Floramarina’s and Celia’s to invite them to come to dinner and a movie tonight.  They accepted the invite on short notice.  We also went by Elvira’s and she said she could go on Sunday to Salcoatitan. Finally, we dropped by Reina’s to invite her to church on Sunday.  For the afternoon, I worked on some class work, but Dwaine and I cooked and cleaned to be ready for our guests.  In the end, four came.  From Celia’s house, only Terry and her visiting granddaughter came.  Additionally, Floramarina and Claudia came.  Of course we watched ‘Facing the Giants’ again, but they had never seen it.  We wrapped up about 9 and Dwaine took them home.  Hopefully, we made some good use of our day of changes.

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