Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 1, 2015

Children’s camp.  Friday was the kickoff of the two day and one night camp for the kids.  It was held at Hector and Rachel’s house.  They have all the sleeping quarters and when the van is outside there is a large area for the kids to play in.  The camp was based on Proverbs 2 and seeking wisdom as a treasure.  Rachel did the classes and Paulo did a great job as the games and recreational time leader.  Charlotte and I just assisted wherever we were needed.  We did take part in 2 skits.  We were two crows in one skit where a stork was caught in net and had to pay for being with the crows.  Charlotte was a mother mouse pleading for her daughter mouse to not be tempted by the cat (me) and all the goodies he was offering.  In the end the cat won.  Since the camp was at Hector’s and that is not very far away we did get to come back to our house overnight.  The kids watched Frozen after the day’s activities and we headed out when the movie started so we would not have to be too late getting home.  After the weekend Rachel loaned us the movie so we could watch it at home when we got a chance.

Paolo led games at the children's camp.

Hand motions for a song.

Group activities.

Attentive audience.

Gifts for winners and everyone was a winner.

Lot's of eats!

Fruit cups.

Enjoying the fellowship,

Class time.

Rachel teaching a class.

Lot's of smiles.

Scripture balls.

Searching for treasure. 

Hula hoop activities.

Mammoth ketchup.

Baby Brianna with me.

Surprise parade for the local elected queen.

Children collected candy from the parade.

Decorating treasure t-shirts.

Painting face for skits.

Crows for the skit.

Crows with stork. 

Ready for the cat and mouse skit.

Games with stacking cups.

Catching balls with cups.

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