Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 2015 Newsletter

May was a busy month.  It started off with a two day children’s camp at the home of Hector and Rachel.  It was for kids ages 7 to 12 and it was really great.  We helped out with the kids, took part in skits and had a lot of fun.  As we were heading back to our house Sat. afternoon we got a call from Paulo.  He had been in charge of all the games and physical activities for the kids and had done a super job and had left on the bus ahead of us.  He called to ask if we were ok because there had been a bad wreck between a motorcycle and a car that looked like ours at the entrance to Ataco.  Not us, and we never learned of the fate of the man on the motorcycle.  After we got home a beauty contestant parade passed by our front door.  The next week was consumed with getting ready to host the monthly preacher’s get together.  Charlotte cooked a ton of food and we spent the week getting everything ready.  It went well but we were glad to have it over.  Saturday we initiated our English classes.  Our first session had 20 students because we had posted adds all over Juayua.  By the end of the month we had settled out to only about 6 or 7 dedicated students but it is our first time and a learning experience.  Charlotte is in charge because of her years of teaching experience and I assist all I can.  We go for 1 ½ hrs. and then have snacks and visiting time and we have already gotten to start talking with some of the students why we are here and about Christ.  We had expected to get our 1 yr. visas in May but instead we had a call from a lady from immigration who came all the way to Ataco to interview us and 3 people who knew us and then needed to interview the man who had signed our papers from the church here for us to come.  He was out of the country and time ran out because they had started this process late so we had to go to San Salvador for a 3 month extension.  This really worked out good because we also went to a dentist there about Charlotte’s tooth that had been hurting pretty much since her fall.  She needed a root canal and he had to put her on antibiotics for a week before the process.  The other really big event of May was our first campaign group.  15 people arrived from Spring Meadow Church in Franklin, Tn.  We spent 4 days knocking doors with them and it was so rewarding.  We each went with a different group and did translating and that went really well.  We have lots of new contacts for the church here and we plan to start soon going with Carlos back to some of the contacts each of us made.  The first Sunday the group was here we had a baptism.  Mirnda who is the daughter of Natividad, who is the lady we had helped to go to the Dr., was baptized.  Charlotte had studied with her some and also Edgardo.  We also have met a new family in Juayua that we have now studied with three times and they seem to be very interested as well as we are becoming good friends.  God has showered us with so many blessings.  We cherish your thoughts and prayers and would love to get any letters or e-mails.  In His Love and Service.    Dwaine and Charlotte

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