Saturday, October 31, 2015

October 29, 2015

Armadillo by morning.  There is a country song that I really like by George Strait and the title is Amarillo by morning.  If you have never seen it you should at least once if you can google it.  Anyway at 8 this morning Jose knocked on our door to say that he had trapped a live armadillo and wanted us to come over to see it.  We got ready and went.  It was large and fat and very interesting.  When we got home we had another surprise- our utility bill was lying on our floor.  It must have been slipped under our door while we were out.  Everyone else had gotten theirs a few days ago and we thought we had missed ours but fortunately still had time to pay it.  We took Wicket for a walk and then Charlotte went in Selectos to get a few more items for dinner tonight with Julia.  When we got home I took the car to the shop just down from our house so they could remove the front bumper to repaint it and put it on the car better.  They said I could pick the car up after lunch without the bumper.  Charlotte informed me we were out of stove gas again.  We had gotten one tank that only lasted a couple of weeks and we had kept disconnecting it after using since we were smelling gas.  This time the smell was present but not quite as strong so we left the tank connected and it only lasted about 1 week.  We decided that settled the matter and we would go tomorrow to get a new stove.  Charlotte said we could also title this blog gassed.  We went to Omar, Emile and Gisela at two and studied till three.  We had thought their dad was going to be there at 2 to go look at a house.  He was detained and so we studied first.  Then it started pouring down rain and at 3 when he still did not come they said they knew where the house was and we could ride up and see if anyone was there.  It was just pouring the whole time so I just went ahead and got soaked and Charlotte tried to use the umbrella.  The house was small and ugly and not at all anything we would be interested in.  We dropped them back off and came home to finish getting dinner ready.  At 6 Charlotte and I went to pick up Julia.  She had her son and two adult grandsons sitting around and she was making rabbit stew.  She started making excuses for not coming and I said it was up to her but this was a one-time offer.  She asked why in surprise and I explained it was a lot of work to get dinner ready for someone and if they did not come we would not go to that effort again and risk them not coming the next time also.  With that she finished the stew and got dressed and came on.  We just had dinner and then took her back after about 1 hour because of all her family.  It was nice but she didn't eat much.  The one dish she really liked was creamy broccoli and chicken casserole that I actually didn't so Charlotte sent most of it home with her.  I think it was pretty different from what she was used to.  At 7 there was a knock on our door.  Regina and Pedro had escorted Zuleyma and Danielito home and stopped back by to ask what had happened to our front bumper. 

What a catch!

Armadilla for dinner? 

Close up! 

Trap without bait.

Bumper repairs in progress.

Dinner with Julia.

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