Thursday, January 28, 2016

January 27, 2016

Better days.  On our walk, we stopped by a small restaurant where a friend, Jenny, works.  She had asked us about tutoring her son in English.  We had stopped by about a week ago to visit a minute.  Her husband was a chef from Italy and he had helped us look for our first house in Juayua.  He had also cooked for our campaign group that came last year.  They had closed that restaurant and had opened a smaller, more El Salvadorian style restaurant.  But, he was really unhappy here and left to go back to Italy.  We didn’t know her well, but we wanted to try to get to know her.  We decided against tutoring, because that would be too time consuming, especially with preparation.  However, we did invite her and her children to dinner next week.  She said she would come. For our studies, we started out our day with a study with Ana Katarina.  We had studied with her only once before and she was home this morning when Charlotte passed by to see if Suleyma was home.  It was only our 2nd study with her and Cesar led a study on the importance of the Word.  After this we went to Wendy's and left Charlotte to study with her. Cesar and I went on to Delmy's and had our first study with her since last year since she had been so busy working during the festival days.  We began a two part study on baptism and it was really good.  Then we went across the street to visit Mr. Rivas and Charlotte joined us after she finished her study with Wendy.  We didn't really have time for a study so we just visited for a little.  He said he was going to Turin to visit relatives this afternoon and would not be back in time for the 6:00 service but could come to the one tomorrow night at our house.  Sister Ana was not available for our weekly visit today so we had a little more time in the afternoon.  Arnoldo came by for lunch and then helped Charlotte get ready for the children's class tonight. He set up an appointment with his English teacher for next Monday so we could talk to her about helping with the class once or twice a month.  Hopefully, it will be a way of making more contacts. I made a wooden platform with rollers to put the dryer on so I could move it out to the garage when we wanted to use it and to a back room so it would not be seen on Sundays.  At 3 Cesar walked over and said that Mario was waiting outside the school for his daughter to finish kindergarten.  After having a cup of coffee he walked back to sit with him and to tell him we could give them a ride back to his house when they were ready.  It ended up being about 3:30 so when we got back to Mario's we did not really get into a study we just talked some.  He said things were a little difficult because Sara was working long hours 6 days a week.  We offered to start studying/marriage counseling some with them next Thursday afternoon which is her one day off and he said he would talk to her about it.  At 5:40 we picked up Sister Regina, Elizabeth and Pedro to take them to the Wednesday study.  Carlos led the study and he started a series on the Church of Christ in the world and his text for tonight was Acts 2:36-47.   At first we had no visitors but several members then Don Santos, Sonja and Jimmy came in and then the lady who cooks tortillas and pupusas next to the new location that Charlotte had invited several times.  Her name is Evelia.   Charlotte asked her afterwards about studying and she said just come by and she would if she could.  Jimmy went to Charlotte's children's class and afterwards Don Santos said they had enjoyed the meeting.  It sure was encouraging that they had come, they are usually working at the hardware store till almost 6 each night.  It turned out to be a pretty encouraging day.

Two flowers for one....One flower was growning inside the other.

Jimmy making seasonal trees in class.

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