Sunday, January 31, 2016

January 28, 2016

Big crowd.  I was able to have a study with Wendy and invited her and Oscar to service on Sunday and then lunch.  She told me the doctor had scheduled her delivery for the baby on Monday!  I know that she is excited about that.  We are all in prayer that she has not had the Zika virus during her pregnancy.  She has had a couple of sonograms, and they have looked good. She said that they would come to the service if she didn’t go to the hospital before then.  She said last week that Oscar had played football, soccer, and that is why they didn’t come.  Reina, Wendy’s neighbor, was working, so I did not get to study with her.  For the afternoon, I had scheduled a study with Floramarina.  She wasn’t home.  I was excited to start that study, especially after a good visit earlier in the week, but she may not really be interested.  I will try to take an invitation by for the next ladies’ class on February 6th and see if that will respark some interest.  Dwaine and I walked by Evelia’s, but she wasn’t home either.  We didn’t have a time set with her, but just wanted to stop by for a visit since she had come to our Wednesday night study.  We had spent some time cleaning the house throughout the day for the weekly Bible study.  Since the church building is a little distance from the original church house that met at Regina’s we had wanted to continue with a meeting on the original side of town for members that could not come on Wednesday night.  We had already met in homes the last two weeks and tonight was our turn.  We had worked on making some calls and visits to let people know and we did have a big crowd, about 20 people!  Not only did a lot of members come, but we also had some visitors.  Jose, Kelly, Kiki and Nicole came.  This was great that Jose came because he does not usually come to group events.  He feels uncomfortable in a big setting.  Then, we also had Socorro.  She is always working at her hostel, but locked her door to come.  It is only a block away.  This was the first event she has visited, so that was especially great.  Bro. Lara led the lesson on Matthew’s account of John the Baptist.  The fellowship was great afterwards. 

Dwaine washed a mountain of dishes! 

Road work in front of our house.
No water for a time....

True bug

Bible study in our home

Bible Study

Bible Study

Bible Study

Bro. Lara leading the class.

Bible Study

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