Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 3, 2015

            Another great day!  First we went to continue our two studies.  The first lady, Reyna, was not home, but the second lady, Stephanie, was home.  We probably studied about two hours.  She had lots of great questions.  Stephanie is not a Christian, so we are prayerful that the study will be fruitful.  When we left her home, we walked through the coffee fields to get to Shucutitan.  The walk was very long, but very beautiful.  I cannot imagine picking the coffee beans on such unlevel ground.  It is harvest time right now, but these fields had already been harvested.  When we arrived at Shucutitan, we walked house to house visiting and encouraging members.  I think we went into some 5 homes and talked with another 5 along the way working outside.  The homes are very poor, but the people are rich, knowing Jesus as their Savior.  We prayed for God to meet the needs of each.  We got back home about 1:30.  I wish I had a pedometer.  I wonder how far we walked?
            Again we went by the landlady’s home and looked for her.  We are at peace with the situation and know it is in God’s hands.  Maybe by the weekend we will have some news.  Not that we are keeping count, but today was Dwaine’s day for a close call.  He almost hit a man crossing the street too.  As long as they only remain close calls, we are thankful.  Driving is doable, but challenging. 
            Early afternoon we took some food to an elderly couple.  Pray for the wife, she could not get out of bed.  Then, we rested a bit and then headed out to an evening ‘Life Talk.’  Everyone was so gracious in welcoming us. We sang many songs, prayed and had a lesson from Revelation.  When we left it was dark.  We scurried home for we had guests for dinner.  Carlos, Linda, who work in the church, and their two girls came for dinner.  Lucky and I had put a roast and a myriad of veggies in the crock pot in the morning and it was delicious.  I must say, Dwaine is already telling jokes in Spanish and we were all laughing hard.  The fellowship was great.
            The final ‘dessert’ for the evening was all the Skype calls.  Caleb, Della and Charlotte got to Skype with our guests and then the rest of our children joined in.  Family support is such an encouragement!!!

Took a Long 'Short Cut' Through the Coffee Fields

Thankfully, Lucky Knows the Way

Wish it Smelled of Coffee!

Our First Guests:  Carlos, Linda, Carly & Briana

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