Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 11, 2015

                What a day!  We spent the day in Juayua with Hector and Cesar.  On in the day Osvaldo joined us as well.  This is the location of the beginning of a new work and it is about 30 to 40 minutes from us.  We have gone twice to evening services at the home of Regina and Pedro and today we got to spend an entire day there.  We arrived about 9 o’clock and started visiting some families and individuals that Hector had contacted.  I think all total we had about 5 studies altogether and there was also an evening service. At the last study it was just Hector and us and one man and Hector asked us what was the Spanish word for "seasons" and we told him. So we helped Hector with his Spanish! We were out from about 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., so you can imagine that we were exhausted by the time we got home.  Every time we have a study, I am always moved so deeply.  I wish in every case I could make a decision for them.  I cannot understand why anyone could hesitate a moment whether or not to follow Christ.  I know too that Satan is well and active and is a stumbling block to many.   One ‘study’ was a devotional for a Christian.  She was suffering terribly with arthritis. Please keep contacts in Juayua in prayer.    
            We ate lunch at a small restaurant, where Hector knew the proprietor.  He wanted to refresh his acquaintance with her to share the gospel.  We did take about an hour walk-about to get a feel for the city.  Since it is a work that most preachers in this area are involved in, Dwaine and I will regularly go there 2 or 3 days a week to help get this work going.  I would note that the lady that allows the church to meet in her home was with us all day.  She went to the studies and served us coffee and hosted to evening service.  All day she had a smile on her face!

            Tomorrow we will be off early to San Salvador to work on our visas.  We hope by the end of the day we will have everything but the church recommendation and we pray we will progress in that area as well.

Walk About in Juayua

Nice Flowers

Little Bunny

Lovely Flower

Lunch with Caesar and Hector:
Hector is taking the picture!

Checking out the park in Juayua

Flowers Hanging Upside Down

Food Trucks in Juayua

Famous Church in Juayua

Liked the Background in this Picture

Can you find the Rotti in this picture?
It took off running and I may have missed it!


  1. Enjoying all the pictures. Yall are looking great! the flowers are beautiful. You forgot to add, "aka someone's dinner" to the little rabbit caption ): what is a rotti again?

  2. It is crazy to think that yall are so far away and yet I have stood in some of those exact same spots in Juayua, it sounds like the work is going amazingly! I love and miss yall! and Christina I think they might be talking about a rottweiler?
