Monday, February 2, 2015

February 2, 2015

We woke up to no electricity this morning.  About the time we were ready to depart our home for some Bible studies, it came back onJ  We were thankful we had a gas stove.  It is funny to learn of all the things you depend on once you don’t have them.  It just confirms that God is the only thing that is absolutely constant. 
Dwaine, Lucky and I went out for two Bible studies this morning.  The church has been focusing on reading a book of the Bible each week.  Caleb and Della were in Ataco when the goal was set and they began in Genesis.  This week, we are reviewing Revelation.  The studies went well and one young lady had many questions.  What a blessing to be in God’s word with people we are getting to know and learning to love.  One couple were caretakers for a beautiful home. The owners had a four wheeler parked in their living room!  They did have double doors, but it was interesting that they had to climb several steps to enter.  The grounds were glorious and there were many plants and trees that we had never seen.  It was a treat to see this spectacular home. 
We spent the afternoon in Ahuachapan at the base of the mountain and accomplished several tasks.  First, we go out telephones going.  Second, Dwaine got his NTE card, which is an identification card.  Third, I got a little fabric to make a gift for a freind and fourth, we went grocery shopping.  The primary store that we will need to buy food is in Ahuachapan so we will make this trip about once a week or so.  Oour NTE cards are the first step in working on our paper work for our visas.  
The fun part of the day was driving.  Lucky said we needed to drive and get some experience before she left on the 9th of February.  I must say, Dwaine did a mcuh better job than I did.  I almost hit my first pedestrian :( .  Well, everyone called out better before anything bad happened.  This will be a major challenge to me for there is just too much happening all at once for my slow mind.  For the most part Dwaine wil drive, but I know I must be able to do this too. 
When we got home, we tried to go by our landlady to obtain a firsthand account of the rent situation. She was not home and may travel during the week.  We will try again tomorrow.  
Finally, we set a date of traveling to San Salvador for Thursday to get our American papers to a translator for our visas.  We understand this is the longest part or our visa journey. 
It was a good day and we feel we got a lot done.  It is a blessing to be here and a great blessing to talk to each of our children via Skype tonight.  

Our first Bible study for the day!

Our second study for the day!

A beautiful estate where the study was.

Glorious grounds

Yes, a four wheeler in the living room at the estate!

Care for a piece of watermelon?

Another view of the four wheeler!

Living room at the estate.

Interesting wood carving of a sleeping man.

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