Monday, October 17, 2016

October 14, 2016

No internet.  We are definitely in the woe’s of no internet.  Our service is very weak and often both of us cannot be on at the same time.  Then, at times, like today, it went out for the day.  We had an early start at 8:15 up to Kelly’s.  I stayed for a study with Nicole and some planning for Melissa’s graduation this weekend.  We had a meeting at 9:30 at the building, but I didn’t make it until 10.  Kelly wanted to go to Sonsonate to get all the veggies.  She said if we should go at 7 so we could get the best prices.  She said that later in the day, the first vendors would sell their produce to later vendors and the prices would go up.  So, we scheduled an early trip for Saturday morning.  I also said I could come Sunday morning at 7 to help prepare the salad and make some cookies for the luncheon.  After our study, I joined the meeting with Dwaine, Cesar and Carlos to primarily plan the summer courses.  We decided on a two day event for three weeks for each town.  It will target different age groups and will be different sizes.  We are going to try to focus on family outreach.  Afterwards, we went home for the afternoon studies.  Mauricio did come promptly at 2 and Dwaine led the Word study.  About 2:45, Alba came to drop Katheryn off for her study on seeking God.  She is young, but wanted to do some personal study.  Alba had to work, so had to leave Katheryn.  We studied for about an hour and then took her home.  Nelson did not come today.  At 5:00 Dwaine left to go to a leader’s class and I left to go to Salcoatitan to pick up Linda for a ladies’ meeting at Eliza’s.  We were planning our November ladies’ event.  We are also taking about a need for beginning to train ladies to lead some classes rather than carrying the load for all the events.  We are in prayer over this.  When the meeting was over, I connected with Dwaine and we walked over to Ranita’s for dinner.  We don’t eat out much, but actually thought we might go out and take advantage of using their wifi some since we were still out of internet. 

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