Monday, October 31, 2016

October Newsletter

Back in the groove.  We were in Huntsville from Sept. 9 through Sept. 26 so there was no report for September.  Since we got back at the end of the month and each first Saturday of the month we have a ladies’ event here we had to hustle.  This event was different in that it was to be a ladies and children’s event.  Saturday, October 1, is children's day here in El Salvador.  We borrowed the two canopies from Salcoatitan and got permission from the mayor's office to set them up in the street in front of our meeting place.  Charlotte made up the invitations and along with trying to get back into as many studies as we could we got those passed out.  We had no idea how many people to expect since this was the first time we have had this combined event.  We usually have around 30 ladies and 15 to 20 kids.  This time we had over 80 people total with the kids.  We were amazed, the chairs were all full, and some people were standing.   The only negative was that there were so many new people that we did not get to have much one on one time with them and will have to work hard on follow-up.  It was a great event and we were very thankful.  There is a great write up and lots of pictures on our blog at  .  After catching our breath from all that we had to get back into our routine.  Since Xiomara and Gisela were baptized on Wednesday before we left on Friday we had their baptism certificate presentations on our first Sunday back as well as for Jorge and Ana Vilma.  On Monday evening we went to Hector and Rachel's house for dinner with Rodney and his family as well as some area preachers and their families.  The next weekend was the big teacher's training seminar in Ataco in which Charlotte had a major segment.  There was huge attendance and Charlotte did an incredible job.  I was so amazed at how she was able to be so energetic and enthusiastic through 4, hour long repetitions of her presentation.  She did so well that one sister asked her to come to San Salvador at the end of October to give the same presentation to ladies from three different congregations.  Her unique style of using science experiments and making Biblical applications to them and using items that can be obtained here is in demand.  We have started some new studies as well as given up on some that seemed to be going nowhere and where the people were usually not home when we went by.  Another exciting development this month was the baptism of Alba.  She had stopped Charlotte on the street after our very first ladies’ event last November and asked where our church met.  Charlotte and different ladies have studied with her for months and finally concluded the studies.  She kept coming to services off and on with her two young daughters and then came by Friday morning Oct. 21st and said she wanted to be baptized on Monday because she was on her way to work at that time.  Again there are pictures on our blog of the baptism as well as the events in Ataco and San Salvador where Charlotte taught.  We are so thankful for all the blessing God has showered on us this month.  On a personal note we added a new small member to our family.  When we got Wicket we said she was for Charlotte but she has ended up being somewhat more mine.  Charlotte has always loved cats so we decided to look for one when we got back from the U.S. this time.  We looked both in San Salvador and Santa Ana but found nothing.  Finally with the help of Xiomara we went to the home of a lady here in Juayua who had 30 cats including 9 young kittens.  After 45 minutes of agonizing, Charlotte finally picked the only orange one.  We are enjoying him and have named him Aubie since Charlotte and I both went to Auburn and Clifton and lots of our money have gone there for the last few years.  We are so excited that he is graduating on Dec. 10th.  Pray for him in his job search.  Thank to all of you for your love and support.

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