Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February 10, 2016

This morning Cesar, Mario Lara and I went by and had a visit and study with Mr. Rivas.  Mario led the study about the appointments we all must keep (death and judgment).  His grandmother also sat in on the entire study.  We went pretty long and I actually had to remind Cesar of the time as he was about to go on to some other passages.  We then went by Delmy's and had a short study because it was so late and she does not like get to much past 11 because of all the people in her house she has to prepare food for.  Charlotte was trying to finish her study with Alba in time to join us at Delmy's because she had not been in quite a while due to her other new studies and Delmy had asked about her every time.  She did not make it before we ended the study but we did stop back by for a moment so Charlotte could say hello.  Alba sounded like she only had a few minutes to study, so I picked four verses to read.  We are talking about how to recognize the true church and we did a study on the Lord’s Supper.  She had several questions, especially regarding if only Christians could take the Supper.  It opened the door to some sharing and Alba shared about 30 regarding her background with her family.  It was very painful.  We finally had to wrap up and I led the closing prayer.  She was crying at the end, and it was very moving.  She did give me another papaya to cook for bread and we are going to have to get together and do some cooking together.  Arnoldo joined us for lunch and helped Charlotte get ready for the children's class tonight.  About 2:30 Cesar and Mario arrived and after coffee and cake all us guys headed out for a visit to Sister Ana while Charlotte headed over to Socorro's.   Ana was in much better spirits than last week and we had a good devotional with her and talked about her being a witness and example to all the members of her family.  When we got back over to our house we went into the school to see if the director was available to speak to us.  We wanted to ask about the possibility of using the school auditorium for a combined service of Juayua and Salcoatitan when our group is here in July.  He was not busy and we got to see him immediately.  He said that would probably be ok but that we would need to submit a written request with the date and details on it.  When we finished I was going to move the car closer to the curb when Charlotte walked up from Socorro's and got in and said we needed to pick up Socorro and take her to her house to check her dog to see if she is pregnant.  It was the first time we had been inside the house she lives in.  It was certainly smaller and more modest than the hostel where she works but it was certainly interesting.  She had tons of pictures of all her family and some of her when she was young that were neat.  She had a large back yard filled with fruit and shade trees and the two dogs were in a pen in the yard.  They were both quite large, muscular and very well fed.  There was a male and a female so if she was not pregnant there was no doubt she would be sooner or later.  She was so muscular and large it was hard to say for sure if she was pregnant or not.  We dropped Socorro back off in front of the hostel and after running by our house for a few minutes we picked up Regina and  Arnoldo for the evening service.  It was so cold and windy that we had a small turnout and no kids at all so Charlotte and Arnoldo sat in on the study.   Mr. Rivas and Don Santos did come and Bro. Mario led a good study about the meaning of an abundant life as promised by Jesus to his followers in John 10:10.  Charlotte said she did not think people got their kids out here when it is so cold and windy.  Possibly Karly and Brianna would have come….Carlos and Linda’s children, but they were sick.  Charlotte said that she might try to save the material for another week.  

Socorro's doggie

Flowers in Socorro's large backyard.

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