Friday, February 26, 2016

February 25, 2016

Thursday morning are our usual days for studying with Celia.  We went by about 9:30 after getting some clothes washed and a few other chores and the usual bread cooking that Charlotte does almost every day.  On the way I knocked on Raphael's door to ask if he had gone to the Dr. yet.  When Cesar and I had gone by to study with him on Wednesday he said he had blood in his urine and was pretty sick and was trying to go to the Dr. that afternoon.  So we just had a prayer with him and said we might pass back by. His wife said he still had not gone to the Dr. and was resting in bed at the time.  We then knocked on Celia's door but she was not home.  We decided to go by Don Santos to see if he could go with us to see the man he had said wanted to meet us.  We had to wait a few minutes because he called the man and he said he had some customers and would be available soon.  We walked down from the hardware and he came across the street from his small shop to meet us.  He looked fairly young (maybe around 30).  He said his name was Evert and his wife Karen.  He said they have a daughter who is 7 and a son who is 2.  He said they would try to come to services next Wednesday night and we could talk more then.  After we left him we talked with Don Santos about having Evert and his family over on Tuesday night when Don Santos, Sonja and Jimmy come so that they would have people there they already know and he said that would be fine.  Don Santos told us that Wednesday evening they were in Sonsonate till 5:30 and rushed back so they would be able to attend the service.  That was encouraging to hear.  We were next to Selectos and we decided since it was almost 11 to go ahead and get some items we needed and try back on Celia in the morning.  In the afternoon Charlotte went with Seyli for some studies and I worked around the house. At 5:30 I ran over to pick up Regina and Arnoldo for the Thursday night in home study.  This week it was at Cesar's house though Eliza was in San Salvador with her folks.   We only had a small number but Don Santos, Jimmy and Sonja came as well as Socorro. At the end Socorro gave her testimony.  She said that she had grown up Catholic because her mother was Catholic.  But, she was always empty.  Then, she went to the Assembly of God, but she was always empty.  Then, she went to the 7th Day Adventist, but she was empty.  Now, with studies each week and visiting, she was full for the first time.  How exciting to see God working.  Afterwards, I talked to Sonja some, Don Santo’s wife.  She also has a Catholic background.  I asked if she might be interested in studying some with just the two of us, because she is always so quiet.  I asked her to think about it and if she wanted to, we could start when we return at the end of March. We are praying for this as well. 

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