Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 12, 2016

Where were they?  Today was the monthly preacher's meeting and Salcoatitan was the host congregation for the first time since they just started meeting in January.  At the January meeting letters had been sent to all the congregations in this area to ask the preachers to please try to attend or to send a representative.  Also we had a brother coming from San Salvador to make a special presentation at the end of the meeting and some other brothers were supposed to come with him.  So--- we planned for 45 people and in the end only about 15 showed up and with us that made about 20.  To say the least there was lots of food left over.  Charlotte had done most of the cooking with home made sweet breads that was served with coffee as people first arrived.  Then there was a recess during which juice and chicken salad sandwiches were served and then for lunch we had corn, hamburgers and chips.  We thought the meeting would end at 12 and everything was ready but the brother with the special presentation was asked to speak at 12 after the regular meeting was finished and he went on for most of an hour so it was about 1 before we ate.  When we got back home we were so tired that we rested for most of the afternoon and just worked around the house.  How's that for a short blog?

Preacher's Meeting

Interesting Insect

Bumped wall and the ants emerged

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