Friday, February 26, 2016

February 23, 2016

Play it again, Sam.  That is a line I have heard many times and thought it was from a Humphrey Bogart movie.  Charlotte said she heard that it was incorrect and he just said Play it.  Anyway, it fits.  We played the movie “Facing the Giants” Saturday for the youth event.  Then we played it Saturday night for Jose, Kelly and Family and we decided we wanted to do it tonight for Don Santos, his family and Socorro.  We started the day with our weekly leader's meeting.  Charlotte was having some stomachache and she had studies scheduled for the afternoon as well as our plans for the movie in the evening and dinner for everyone afterwards so she decided to stay home for the morning and try to get ready for the studies and dinner.  I went by to pick up Cesar but he was not home so I went on.  When I arrived at the church building in Salcoatitan only Carlos and Linda were there so we just visited for about 20 minutes.  Cesar arrived and said he had taken Eliza to San Salvador on Monday to help her mom who is having ongoing eye surgeries to help her see better.  Ricardo arrived about the same time.  All of Salcoatitan has water problems.  Ricardo and Yoli had a large tank installed when they first moved there and he said they had been without water for 3 days and he was waiting for the water delivery truck to arrive and they were running late.  He joked that he had not had a shower for 3 days so he would not sit too close to the rest of us.  After lunch Charlotte and Seyli went to have their weekly study with Ana's daughters.  From Charlotte…when Seyli and I arrived Ana was there along with one daughter and granddaughter.  We had a great study and visit.  When Seyli and I left, I asked Seyli, which daughter was there.  She didn’t know.  I went through all of them in my mind and it dawned on me who I was missing and I knew it was Marina.  The girls all look alike, but I think after today’s visit I got them all down.  The granddaughter, Erica, joined in the study too, looking up all the verses.  I told Dwaine when we return, we need to start offering rides to anyone who will go.  I think Erica will go and hopefully, this will open the doors for the others.  I, Dwaine, did some cleaning and got some items into a crock pot (beans, potatoes and carrots) and when Charlotte returned we went with Cesar to try to study with Mario and Sara.  She was at work so we mostly just visited with him since we are trying to start some marriage counseling with them and that will not do much if they are not both present.  We did have a very brave mouse that came out and played around our feet until it went under one of Mario's and he put it down and ended the little life.  We got home and finished up dinner and everyone arrived right on time at 6.  When we had told Clifton what movie we were watching he sorta said “blah” but everyone here has said it was very beautiful.  It does have a good moral lesson with good points for discussion and people here get so little of this kind of thing that they really enjoy it.  Also, it gave us an opportunity to have something different with Don Santos and family than just always studying.  After the movie we had dinner and everyone said they ate too much.  After the meal I asked Jimmy who is 9 what do we always have at our house and he said dessert which was the right answer.  It was cheesecake and was so delicious.  Before he left Don Santos said that he had been talking to a man he has a lot of contact with (because the man has a small electrical shop here and Don Santos has the hardware) about us and the man wanted to meet us and talk about the Bible.  We were so excited that he has already started telling others about the work here.  They also said they would come to the Wednesday night service at which they have become fairly regular in attendance.  We probably won't play the movie again soon but who knows-  I guess Sam does.

Visiting Mouse

Don Santos, Sonja, Jimmy and Socorro
Dinner and a Movie

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