Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 13, 2015

We were still tired from the beach so we did not have a lot scheduled for yesterday morning.  We had just finished breakfast when Edgardo came by for a visit.  We always enjoy sitting and talking with him.  He was on his way to visit the school across the street to see how his son Javier was doing.  He told us later they had lots of students and the teacher said he did not know Javier personally so that was good because he certainly knew the students who caused trouble.  Then I walked down to $.99 because we were low on milk.  There were people everywhere filling these white bags with groceries.  The bags had World Food Organization written on the side.  We found out that people who qualified were being supplemented to buy basic foods.  Of course we didn’t qualify.  Actually we didn’t apply.  Anyway I went back and told Charlotte so we walked back together and took some pictures and then I went to get a light switch for our bedroom, the one we had kept popping back on after you turned it off. Last night we went to the common house Bible study.  Hector taught on 1 Samuel and when he spoke of the people wanting a king like the nations around them he said it was like young people wanting to be like all their friends.  He mentioned that he had long hair for a while and then asked if I ever had bellbottoms or wide collar shirts.  I said I did and I had pictures to prove it but fortunately not with me.  Then as we left he walked to our car with us and we asked where his van was.  He said he was so tired of driving he had taken the bus.  So we dropped him by his house and visited for a few minutes.  We also found out yesterday that we have some new neighbors.  Carlos and Linda moved to Ataco to the house he had taken us to look at for us.  It is a nice house and near two other families who are members in Ataco and they had been wanting to move here for a while so we are excited for them.

Food line at 99 cent store for free food...

Food recipents

Quite a crowd

WFP Programa Mundial Alimenots
World Food Program

US Aid of the people of the United States of America

This is supposed to be a United Nations Project.

School is letting out.  Our house is on the left.

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