Friday, December 18, 2015

December 18, 2015

Clasura and closer.  This morning we were to be at Salcoatitan at 7 so we could set up the canopies for the graduation ceremonies. We got up early and rushed through getting ready but arrived at exactly 7.  The only problem was that the gate to the school was locked.  We waited until 7:30 and then most of us walked down to the park and bought some coffee.  When we got back Carlos was still waiting at a locked gate.  The director arrived at 8.  We got the canopies set up and then the chairs but the ceremonies did not start until about 9:15.  We thought they were supposed to start at 8.  Anyway, it was a really formal event with Charlotte and Carlos at a table up front with the director and a lady who taught a computer class to several adult ladies.  The wind was crazy all morning, blowing chairs around and blowing our hair and it was hard to even hold on to the certificates to read the students names off.  We even got certificates for having taught the classes and the director heaped praise on all of us for offering the classes for free.  He also asked everyone to come to the breakfast in the morning which will be in the school also.  He was really nice.  Carlos also invited everyone to the breakfast and afterwards several of the parents told us they would be there.  We finally got through about 11 and Charlotte and I went to Selectos because she had put off grocery buying for several days and needed quite a lot.  Since it was a larger amount this time I decided to use our credit card since Caleb said they always used theirs for groceries.  It was a snap and it will help the cash we have on hand go further since we are not going to have enough to make it till March when we visit the US again.  After I dropped Charlotte and the groceries off at the house I went to have the car washed because it was so dirty and we were to take Kelly and Nicole to Izalco to get her birth certificate so she and Jose can get married.  They arrived about 1:30 and we headed out.  As we rounded the curve past Nahuizalco which is about ½ way to Sonsonate she said we were supposed to turn back there.  We all laughed and I turned around.  It was a very picturesque little town and we had never been there though it was just off the road we take all the time so we said we would have to go back again and spend a day there sometime.  We went to the mayor's office and got her birth certificate with no problems.  She said they would get  married Tuesday morning (hopefully at our house) and we and Cesar and Eliza will be in attendance.  She said they needed two witnesses and so Charlotte and I could be the witnesses.  We are so excited that this puts them closer to being baptized.  Then we went on to Sonsonate to Metro Centro and went to Curasol and went ahead and bought two recliners.  They were on sale for $197 each instead of $297 each through Dec. 24th.  We were going to go back and pick them up on the 28th. But they said it would be only $8 to deliver them both to Juayua and that would be cheaper than using Ricardo's truck plus the traffic is so bad in Sonsonate near the end of the year.  Anyway, we used our card for that and I wondered if using it twice in the same day since we have not used it here in months would be a problem but it went through ok.  We got home about 5 and skyped with the kids, had dinner and Charlotte worked on getting ready for her presentation at the ladies breakfast here in Juayua on Monday.

New construction of a plaza in Salcoatitan

Summer School Party, 2015

Ready to set up canopies


Putting together the poles

They are taking shape

Takes several people to keep it going

Success and the crowd is arriving

Getting started

Director of the school

Getting settled

Ready to go

Table is ready


Full house 



Guitar player and singer


Presentations with wind!

Ricardo inviting visitors to breakfast.

Teachers got certificates too!



Visiting Nahuizalco

Park in Nahuizalco

Christmas tree at the Mayor's office

Here it is...a bag of pecan for $24.39...that is U.S. dollars!

Santa made it all the way to El Salvador!


  1. this is Leanna still don't know how I'm commented as your name.. so weird but this looks like the school we did VBS at

    1. They look similar, but don't think you ever went to Salcoatitan.
