Monday, December 7, 2015

December 6, 2015

More visitors….wanted and unwanted.  We headed to church at 10 and we had a car fullJ.  Zuleyma and Danielito rode with us, along with Kelly, Nicole and Kiki.  It was fabulous to have Kelly to visit with us again.  We are planning to spend a day together at the end of the week.  We started out joking that we might include a side trip to the beach, and now, those plans look like they might actually happen Friday.  We are having fun planning.  December is my birthday month, so Dwaine insisted that we buy the birthday cake this month, instead of cooking it.  It is always a nice time of fellowship and everyone stays to partake.  We actually had about 4 birthdays this month so it was a good event.  Afterwards, we headed home for an afternoon of cooking.  We had a Mexican array planned for Cesar, Eliza and Abi, along with Mr. Rivas.  We did manage to get about an hour of rest in.  At 6, Dwaine picked up Mr. Rivas and everyone came in to eat.  I even tried my hand at pupusas.  While they were good, I will have to work on my technique some.  We enjoyed the meal together.  Dwaine went to show Cesar and Mr. Rivas where the tarantula made its appearance the night before and he called out for me to bring the camera.  I ran downstairs to find them looking at a scorpion.  Apparently, these carry quite a wallop.  If bitten, we are told to head for the hospital.  Julia had once said she was bitten on the hand and her tongue was so swollen she couldn't talk.  Finally, a lady told her she must go to the hospital.  It is supposed to be very painful.  Since the dry season is beginning, it is very windy and a couple of degrees cooler.  So, these creaturse, try to come into your home for warmth.  The men said that our two rooms downstairs were good targets for these.  Dwaine told Cesar that he could move the contents of that room on moving day!  Cesar and family left pretty early, so we visited on with Mr. Rivas.  He made the comment that he could see himself making the decision to be a Christian before too long.  That was exciting news and we are all in prayer concerning this.  Dwaine took Mr. Rivas home in the car and then washed dishes for a time.  I would like to say that we went on to bed, but I had much to prepare for English classes in the schools for Monday morning.  It is hard to think of games for each topic, but this is what they like.  So I stayed on up til 2 so I would be ready.  Dwaine stayed on pass 11 and offered to keep on with me.  There wasn’t much he could do, so he headed on to bed.  

Yummy birthday cake!


Great crowd.

Still waiting....

Ready to eat.

Song and a cake!

Everyone for dinner....

Dwaine took a photo too, so I would be in one.

Night visitor.

No stings please!

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