Wednesday, December 9, 2015

December 7, 2015

Birthday Monday.  I actually rang it in at midnight because of staying up until 2:30 preparing for English class. At least Dwaine got to wish me an early birthday greeting when I went to bed:)....  Teaching aids are on short supply so preparation is slow.  It was all funny because in the end I was slightly short on laminating paper so Dwaine helped me finish up early morning with a little tape.  Also, of course I needed some copies so Dwaine got that job done.  Fortunately, they open early and are not far away. We went by to pick up Arnoldo for class and he greeted me with a handmade, beautiful birthday card. Salcoatitan is not too far away and we arrived in plenty of time to set up.  Dwaine had to borrow an extension cord and some masking tape from the office to help with the items we forgot.  At nine we were rolling and class went great.  At the end, the guys had the children sing Happy Birthday to me.  I’m not sure how, but they all left thinking I was only 29….instead of 59J.  It was fun.  We took a respite during lunch and it was funny too.  I tried to lay down for a 30 minute catch up nap before the afternoon class, but we kept getting precious phone calls for birthday wishes.  I will miss sleep any time for those calls!!!!  We left at 1:30 for the afternoon classes.  Thankfully, I had overprepared for the class because one game I had used for the morning class got left and we shifted to another game.  That was easy done.  We typically have an evening class with Raul and Ana, but Regina needed to go to Apaneca for a follow-up visit and Cesar left the Values class early to take her. When we had picked up Arnoldo this morning, we had told Regina that Dwaine could leave early from English and take her, but Cesar had already worked that out. Because he was out of town, we did not meet.    Since we had an unexpected night off, we decided to eat out for my birthday.  We had a couple of first choices, but they were closed.  There are so many tourists that come in for the weekend, so many restaurants close on Monday for a break.  We found R & R open and ate there.  Dwaine had a chicken dish and I tried a fish dish.  It was great.  Of course when we got home, we skyped some more to finish out the birthday. 

Early morning birthday wishes with french bread with my name on it.

Check out the mountain in the background.

Students working.

English classes.

Arnoldo's birthday greetings!

Dinner our for birthday!

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