Tuesday, June 28, 2016

June 26, 2016

Sunday….Dwaine went early to take Clifton to Rosario to meet Paolo so they could go to church in Ahuachapán and spend the afternoon with him.  This is Wendy’s son and he was Caleb’s good friend and had staying in our house to care for Wicket last year.  Clifton has known him for many years now.  Also, this was our month to clean the building so he stopped back by on his return to be sure all was ready….and I should say Dwaine does all the cleaning so I should take the “our” out of the “our turn.”  He doesn’t let me help.  Typical for him.  In the process he found the mother lode of all coach roaches.  Now, a long while back Kelly told me there were some mega roaches around, but I just couldn’t picture it.  Dwaine put a cup on this one and he said it was so big, it was just moving along taking the cup with it.  In the end he put it outside and when we arrived for church, it was there and Dwaine took some photos.  I did get to have a study with Carolina and that was good.  Kelly’s family was out because her sister, Melissa, was having surgery.  We did have a good number and at the end, Paolo Marcos, son of Sonja went forward to ask for prayers for reconciliation.  That was a blessing.  We rested some between services and left at 3:30 to go to Salcoatitan.  Just after we got the kids settled for their class, a huge storm arrived.  Immediately, every child needed to have a restroom break back at the building, so I walked back and forth several times on that charge.  When I got back, Linda, also needed to exit.  Just after she left, lightning hit so close, that I thought for sure it must have struck her.  Hector was visiting in his new van, and it set the alarm off in it because it was so close.  It slowed for the trip home.  It seems we have had several big storms lately.  

Mega roach along side a quarter!

1 comment:

  1. Score one for dad, not letting you clean. You do enough as it is! (: That is good of him to do that.

    That cockroach looks similar in size to the one Leanna and I battled in your house the other day... Well, yours would win, but ours was in close competition (;
