Thursday, June 30, 2016

June 30, 2016

Typically Regina or one of her daughters goes with me to Thursday studies.  Because of the funerals, Clifton went out with me.  It is nice to have him here to join in on the studies.  Claudia was first, and I am prayerful that she will make a decision soon.  She doesn’t come to all the services, but she come to several.  She also brings one or two friends with her as well.  I know today she hoped one of her friends would join in on the study, but she did not show up.  Afterwards, we walked down to Tatiana’s.  Dwaine and Cesar were at the building studying with Eber and Michael, but they were wrapping up.  Tatiana has had an ear infection, but it was improving, so she studied today.  She wanted to start in ‘Que Dice la Biblia?’ so we began with the intro.  There are 11 lessons and this will keep up busy for quite a while.  After lunch we had been studying with Mario and Sara, but they are coming to the New Converts class.  Then, we started with Omar, Emily, Isela and Xiomara, but they all cannot be a part of an afternoon study, so we are trying to meet after service on Thursday’s.  So, I cooked and Dwaine did some errands and cleaning.  Our evening service was at Kelly and Jose’s.  It was a big gathering of over 30.  I was excited that Claudia and her friend Adriana came.  We had many visitors and members.  Afterwards, Xiomara and her children came for our study.  Last week we had studied baptism as they were all baptized in another church.  This week we studied prophecy and miracles as they had questions on this.  They asked questions and were very open in the study.  We had started about 7:30 and about 10, Omar said that he wanted to be baptized.  Emily followed suite.  The Mom and other sister said they had been baptized with a full understanding of the significance of baptism.  Then, we had a problem.  We had no pool in Juayua and we had decided that upcoming Sunday we would cut out part of the church pila to use as a baptistery.  Therefore, we had way to baptize for the night.  So, we planned for 7 a.m. and Dwaine drove to Salcoatitan to borrow their pool.  With good pressure it takes about two hours to fill the pool, so Dwaine planned to get up at 5 to start the process.  We were excited for the good news and anticipated the morning!

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