Sunday, July 24, 2016

July 17, 2016

Last full day.  Rosalidia, Xiomara and Emily came to help with breakfast.  I have truly been blessed all week with many helpers.  Our service this week was planned at the school that is just across the street from us.  It was combo that included both Juayua and Salcoatitan. That was a time saver and helped with several trips to the house of items forgotten or needed.  The school opened a classroom for the children and Linda and several campaigners helped with the classes.  It was great to have some materials brought from the States to assist with classes.  We are always in need of supplies and extras that we can’t get here.  Nancy Jackson has often headed up gathering some supplies in the U.S. and I often think I don’t thank her and her life talk enough.  Rodney had ordered some items for the kids and had the team do some cutting for us and it was all greatly appreciated.  In the auditorium, Allen did a lesson to wrap up his series on marriage and the team was recognized.  Also, food bags were handed out to some members.  There are such deep, deep needs for just the basics and a food bag can give a good boost.  Many gave their thanks for all.  I am sure I did not convey all the appreciation members and visitors were expressing to everyone.  What a blessing.  For the afternoon, many went to the chorros in Juayua, the waterfalls in Juayua.  We have recently had a lot of rain and they were really full.  Dwaine and I have never gone, but we planned to go next week with our family.  Mario led the tour and I think it all got rave reviews!  We rested a few minutes and several visited shops again to wrap up souvenirs.  For the night, we had a dinner for the leaders the remainder of the group went to Good Pizza.  We met for a couple of hours and had the opportunity to assess the work and campaign.  It was a great time of encouragement. 

Breakfast Helpers!

Beginning to Gather for Service at School

Recognizing the Team 

Juayua and Salcoatitan Service


Allen and Cesar

Team Central

Food Bags 

Stephanie visiting from Ciudade Real

Jim with Jose, Kelly, Kiki and Nicole

Carrie....wrapping up

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