Saturday, July 30, 2016

July 28, 2016

Thursday began with a study with Claudia.  I was glad that Gisela could go to the study with me.  She is very quiet, but very eager to serve.  I always need someone to go out with me, so I am thankful that she will go when she is available.  Dwaine and Cesar went to Eber’s.  Next, we went by Tatiana’s but she was sick with an ear infection and a stomach ache as well. So, we decided to do some visiting.  We went by Marlena’s first.  She was a new contact.  She was happy to see us but she had some visitors, so we did not stay.  I was glad I could relocate her home.  She had come to a ladies event for the first time when the campaigners were here.  So, we wanted to try to go by a contact that Della’s group had, Luz de Maria.  Her daughter, Dena Margarita was home, but Luz was not.  We felt we should wait until Luz was home before going in, so we did not stay.  Along the way, we talked to Socorro and changed that study to Friday morning and we talked to Jennifer, who has been to a few ladies’ event.  We gave out some invites and called it a morning.  Dwaine and Cesar had gone to Rolando and Blanca’s to give the first Que Dice la Biblia and to invite them to the Bible study that would be in our home tonight.  They got to go in and talk some as Rolando is quite a talker.  So, for the afternoon, we did some house cleaning and then Ana and George came over for a study.  That went great and we were going to talk to them about some personal issues and thought they would need to go to the school for their son at 4:30.  But at 4:10, they said they were supposed to be there at 4:00.  Dwaine scrambled on out the door with them and we thought we might invite them for dinner soon.  For the night, we had a great turnout, about 2 dozen.  Rolando and Blanca came and that was a blessing.  Many other visitors, including Celia, Don Santos and Eber came.  Afterwards, it took Dwaine two trips out to take people home.  I visited with Xiomara and family and then we had a study for about an hour afterwards.  They were really tired as Omar and Xiomara had gone to Santa Ana for the day and Emily had headed out at 3 a.m. for a class in Santa Telca near San Salvador.  She will have to go 3 days a week for a class for the semester.  We wrapped up about 8:30ish and called it a night.  

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