Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July 21, 2016

Los Chorros de Juayua.  This was a neat day because we got to share our children with some close friends.  Mario, Isela and Carlos, as well as Jose, Kelly, Nicole and Kiki went to the Juayua falls with us.  Mario is a guide as his mom lives at the last house before the trip down to the falls.  He took the group on Sunday from the campaign, but Dwaine and I didn’t go.  Jose said he used to live close by and came often as a child.  But he had not been in a long, long time.  We parked at Mario’s and walked down.  There were lots of butterflies along the way and Christina snapped a ‘few’ photos on the journey.  Jose and Kelly said that when Sister Ana and Rosalidia were young, that was the only water source in the city and everyone had to wash clothes in the falls.  Because it was so crowded during the day, they would go two to three times a week between midnight and four o’clock in the morning.  What a journey with a load of clothes!  I cannot imagine going in the night!  When we arrived there were a few people there and two policemen.  We had heard off and on it could be dangerous in that someone could be robbed, but we felt very safe.  The water was cold!  I think everyone got in.  For the part we saw, there were a series of three falls with pools at the bottom.  We got some interesting stories.  They said that originally, it was all natural.  But in the 2001 earthquake, some of the falls were destroyed and they had to be reconstructed at the bottom of the falls to reform the pools.  I asked if anyone was killed in the earthquake and they said yes.  There were several rocks that had landslide down the cliff into the water.  They said that in the earthquake, especially the second pool was most affected and was full of people washing clothes and all were crushed and killed.  Yes, we swam in that pool too.  In fact, we took the dare so to speak and traveled the tunnel.  Each fall was separated by a tunnel.  We were told the water level was too high and over the tunnels on Sunday but today, they had an opening about upper shoulder to head high.  Mario said we could go through the second tunnel, but he had to go first.  It was fairly long and completely dark.  Mario went first, then Clifton and then me.  It was hilarious and scary.  Dwaine, Christina and Leanna and some of the kids followed in the second group.  When you approached the next pool, Mario had the progression blocked to make a sharp turn out to the pool.  He said that if you continued you would die!  He said it was a sharp drop to the bottom!  So we turned.  The walk back was very rocky and painful because no one had shoes.  It was fun and we walked back.  When we got to the road where only 4 wheelers Dwaine went and got our car for me and a few to drive back.  Dwaine, Christina, Clifton and a few others took a short cut through the coffee fields.  We arrived back about the same time.  We mostly rested for the afternoon and cleaned for the weekly Bible study at our home for Thursday night.  It just down poured just before the meeting.  We still had just over 20 and Mario gave a good lesson on Matthew.  It was a great day and a good break to recoup after the campaign. 

Los Chorros

Bible Study
in our home 

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