Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 29, 2016

Friday morning I picked back up the study with Nicole and Kelly.  Dwaine picked them up, and the arrived close to 8:30 at the house.  Dwaine took a stack of clothes for Jose and Kiki and when the ladies arrived I gave Kelly a few things that the team left too.  A couple of the things she will recut and make a couple of dresses for Nicole.  We are so blessed to share these clothes with that the Central group left.  They are much appreciated.  We also talked about making some Bible costumes for the children.  At the end of August we are going to try to have a children’s program for the days of creation.  It will take a lot of work, but we are excited to focus on the children for this event!  Dwaine left about 9 to go to Sonsonate.  We had a low tire during the week and in fixing the tire, he noted the wire was showing on the two tires that he had not replaced recently.  We had planned to replace them, but the problem was more pressing now.  Ricardo had gotten two tires in Pricemart in Sonsonate so Dwaine just needed them changed and balanced.  He also had several errands to run as well.  After this study, I walked to Socorro’s.  We had a study for over an hour.  She was really tired and had a bruise and sore spot on top of her foot.  She is diabetic and it is always concerning when something heals slowly.  After lunch it started raining hard.  I had planned to head out at 2, but it was raining hard.  Finally, about 2:30 it slacked some, but was still raining.  I headed out to pick up Seily and we walked to Angelica’s and Claudia Veronica’s.  Both her out.  At this point, I am about to give up on Friday afternoon.  Almost always, people are out getting ready fo the weekend.  With a little time, we thought we would try Reina, but she too was out.  We missed getting to see her this week as well.  Since I got home early, Dwaine and I decided to try to go visit one of Clifton’s contacts near the building.  Edgar was out at the gym, but his wife was home.  She was busy, so we didn’t go in.  However, she did know where the church was and gave us some options to return.  It was great to meet her, Rachel and we are prayerful for the potential.  We had a quiet evening and watched the story of Walt Disney. But, while we were out we stopped and invited Omar, Gisela, Emily and Xiomara for dinner.  They accepted, so we made a grocery run so I could cook early Saturday morning.  

Nice walk along side the cemetery.

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