Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 13, 2015

Guess who’s coming for dinner?  Saturday mornings are spent getting ready for English and an afternoon out in Juayua.  Dwaine went to copy our next lesson and I was checking some papers.  The phone rang and Rosamiriam called to ask if she could come over when we got home.  I said it might be about 8, but that would be fine.  I said that I would have to start cooking for the teen girls, but it would be great if she could come over.  We headed out for Juayua for English and had 5 students.  The class went great and Nelson said he would come at 5 with his little girl, Ruby.  We went to study with our family that sells coffee and it was a good study.  Cesar has a cold, so I felt bad for him.  We visit, usually Kelly fixes coffee and I bring bread.  It is a nice time.  He had a 'dead' trarantula. I looked it up after we got home and it is one of the most docile, in the Rose family. Enrique and Kelly are believers, but do not go to church anywhere.  Afterwards, we went to the 5 o’clock service.  It was raining and Nelson didn’t make it.  But Anita with her two children came and Rosalidia came with her two children.  We don’t usually have class on Saturday, but I had so much extra material from Wednesday, I wanted to go ahead and have class.  I still didn’t use all I had brought.  Talk about over planning.  Anyway, we did a quick Selectos run and headed home.  We got home about 7:30ish and after about 10 minutes, Rosamiriam called to check that we had made it home.  So, we expected her any moment.  After another 10 minutes, Lucky called and asked, in English, if we were on our way!  Wow, mi casa was su casa and I missed that we were going instead of coming! Yikes! So we scrambled and headed to her house, less than 5 minutes away.  She fixed pupusas and we laughed and laughed. I must say that pupusas are not Dwaine’s favorite (sorry Rodney).  Rosamiriam wrapped up a stack for us to take home for breakfast.  Dwaine let out an ‘Oh wow!’ After we got home, Lucky said that comment translated the same in Spanish! The church does not actually have a ‘go forward’ for repentance, but people can stand if they want prayers.  We laughed and said that I would have to stand tomorrow for my misunderstanding.  Lucky just laughed and tried to make me feel better by saying Rosamiriam talks very fast. Maybe Dwaine will have to stand for his expression of appreciation.  I will have to practice my telephone conversations.  We got back home about 9 and I did my cooking after that.  The girl’s favorite is frijoles and rice, so I went for that.

Dead or alive, nice tarantula.....found in a trash pile in town.

Kitty and doggie wanted Dwaine's bread.

Peggy is the doggie carrying puppies. Dwaine wants one of the litter.

Wicket's first bath.

She was so frisky afterwards.  

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