Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August 2016 Newsletter

Another wedding and two more baptisms.  August was a good month and was really packed with activities.  Starting with the usual ladies event on the first Saturday which had 13 visitors to following up on contacts we had from our campaign and then starting some new studies as well as continuing with the ones we already had. Charlotte also conducted a teaching seminar in San Salvador.   Our biggest events for the month were having a repentance study with Ana Vilma and Jorge at the end of which we asked them if they wanted to have a civil wedding.  They have been together for several years which is very common here and have a son Nelson who is six years old.  They said they were ready so we set the date for Sunday August 21st.  They wanted to have the wedding on the weekend so that Ana Vilma could invite her mother and some other family members who do not live in Juayua.  In the end we had about 32 people.  Jorge is Sister Ana's son so she and all of her family came as well as several people from Ana Vilma's family.  Seily Lara performed the legal part of the ceremony and her husband Mario did a religious part. Together, they did a beautiful ceremony.  Cesar and Eliza were the official witnesses as usual.  The wedding was in our house of course.  This was the first time we had to miss Sunday services in Salcoatitan but at least it was for a good cause.  The last weekend of August was spent in a big retreat for all the preachers in this area and their families.  We started Friday afternoon at 3 at the Vision Hotel here in Juayua.  Noe spoke first on the intimate relationship in marriage and did a great job.  After dinner I did a session in group discussion format on family ministry.   We had a couple and their baby spent the night in our house since they were from out of town.  We really enjoyed having them and almost talked till too late in the evening.  Saturday morning we started with breakfast at Entre Nubes restaurant in Ataco followed by a lesson on finances by Hector.  About 10 we all headed out to a small lake in Apaneca which was far back off the beaten path.  We stayed there until 3:30 in the afternoon and had lots of fellowship, some group activities and a cookout lunch.  I think Charlotte and I were the only ones who actually walked all the way around the lake.  It was pretty in spots but you could not actually see the lake most of the time.  When we got home we had another study with Ana Vilma and Jorge and asked them what they were waiting for to have their baptisms and they could not think of anything. Jorge said he had been baptized before and asked if he could be baptized again so we studied about that and set the time for 7 pm.  We called a few folks and then some just came in who happened to be available so we had a pretty good group of witnesses. Ana Vilma's sister, Flora, whom we had first met at the wedding was in town and she came to the baptisms.  Charlotte talked with her about studying the Bible and she and Ana Vilma came over the next week and started studying with Charlotte.  Jorge and Ana Vilma are a great young couple and have been very consistent in coming to services even before their baptisms and we are very excited that they are now part of our Juayua family.  The following day the children had their first program conducted during the morning service with memorization lines from the Creation story and a beautiful song.  The good news on that was that it brought in several visiting children and parents.  Probably by the time most of you read this we will be back for our September visit.  Little Charlotte will be 2 on Sept. 12th and we are excited that the time is so near to get to see her and all of you in person. 

August 31, 2016

New Contacts.  Dwaine and I started the day handing out Ladies’ Event announcements in a new area, close to Hotel Vision.  We had a few good receptions, so we will see if any come to the event.  It was good to door knock and meet new people.  There is still a lot of ground to cover in Juayua.  Then, we split and Dwaine went on to Delmy’s with Cesar and I went on with Seily to Briseida’s.  She was not in, but we covered three streets with invitations.  That was a good opportunity to get the last of the invitations handed out.  I think that distributed 80 invites.  After lunch, Dwaine drove Ana Vilma and Jorge go San Antonio del Monte.  Ana Vilma still had to complete some of her wedding papers and they still required another visit Friday or thereafter.  It seems to go on and on.  They wanted to spend the night with Ana Vilma's mother she had told me it was a 15 minute drive from the mayor's office. While that might have been true, Dwaine said it was some 'off road' driving to arrive at her home! Arnoldo and Carolina came by for lunch.  Arnoldo walked on over to Cesar’s to study with Eber, Michael and Mr. Rivas.  I stayed and studied with Carolina and then on to Socorro’s home.  She joined us for the Wednesday service and  we took a car load from Sister Ana’s home.  It was a great turnout.  The rain has been long and heavy this week, but it did not deter anyone from coming.   

August 30, 2016

New study.  Tuesday morning meeting.  With our upcoming departure, we didn’t have too much to finalize on plans.  The Ladies’ Event was ready for September 3rd and the Ladies’/Childrens’ Event for October 1.  It sure rolls around in a hurry.  We wrapped up about 11:30.  Cesar had taken Rolando to the doctor for a small surgery in Sonsonate, be he arrived right at the end.  Cesar and Dwaine planned to study with Michael and Mr. Rivers for the afternoon and Seily and I planned to go to visit with Sister Ana and her family.  Right after lunch, a big lightning storm arrived.  In about 10 minutes, the electricity went off and on for about 8 times.  I did get everything unplugged.  Since we had lost our modem, we try to turn off things when the bigger storms arrive.  I thought there was a break in the action about 2:30 and I headed to Seily.  I drove pass Cesar and Dwaine returning.  The rain had interrupted their study as well.  When I got to Seily’s she said she did not want to go out in the storm, so we visited and worked on the craft for the Ladies’ Event.  She is going to teach the ladies how to make hair bows.  We got all the ribbon cut and after a couple of hours, I took them home to burn the ends so they would not fray.  That should make us ready for this month.  We will order most of the food, and I will only make some cookies.  When I got home, we waited for Don Santos and Ana Vilma to arrive with her sister Flore.  Don Santos and Dwaine are studying Que Dice La Biblia and I stared studying with Flore, Ana Vilma’s sister.  It was a late study for her, but she has a job caring for a baby each day.  Flor lives in Salcoatitan and the last bus runs at 7.  I mentioned if Ana Vilma would make the drive with me, I would take her home to Salcoatitan.  So, that worked well.  We wrapped up about 7:30 and the trip was fine.  It isn’t far, it is just the forever safety question.  All was fine, she lives very close to the main road, so we had no problems. 

August 29, 2016

We tried to go by and visit with Sylvia this morning, but she was not home.  We had a meeting on Tuesday morning, so we were hoping she might be in Monday morning. We will have to drop by at a later time.  With a little extra time we went by Selectos and Dwaine walked up to check with Don Santos to see if he was coming on Tuesday.  He was planning to come.  Next, we worked on some lessons through lunch.  After lunch, Seily and I went up to the cemetery to study with Vilma.  Zoila, her mother also joined in on the study.  It was raining, so we went inside.  We visited a long time.  During the study, Seily received a call from her husband, Mario, that he had been in an accident in San Salvador.  Thankfully, he was not hurt, as well as the other person involved.  However, he had a good bit of damage to his car, and was going to have it towed.  He did have some family in San Salvador to help out.  After a long study, we went on to Amalia’s.  She was supposed to go to Salcoatitan before too long, so Seily did a study for about 40 minutes on repentance.  We were excited that we were able to have both our studies.  After returning home, we had our New Convert’s class and talked about evangelism.  It was a great time to talk about increasing contacts and warm receptions in the body.  There was a great turnout and it was especially good that Ana and Jorge were there as new converts and not as visitors.  Afterwards we got to visit with Mario and Sara and share some wedding pictures with them.  Next week we are planning a dinner for our class members and we are excited about that.
Saga of the Traveling Roaches

Thought I would include the ‘roach’ story.  On Monday night, we noticed a huge roach tiptoeing across the floor.  We leave our sliding door open while we are up so Wicket can come and go.  At times, we see a roach out the corner of our eye entering and crossing our white floors.  The direct route, is to enter our bedroom.  We jumped up and by now, it was traveling fast.  It was close to my open closet and I could envision putting on my clothes with a visiting roach inside!  No way!  So, in the end, we killed it and I was so thankful that I could sleep well without worries.  I get up about 4:30 each morning and as I was opening my computer, I saw another huge roach leaving our room, laughing all the way.  All the night, we did have a visitor!  What a delusion!  Well, in the end, this one died too.  Then, Tuesday morning….repeat, another exodus.  It died too.  The rain has been heavy and often this month and we think the roaches are just looking for a dry night. Rent is high and they paid the price…..but how many stowaways are taking advantage of our hospitality? 

August 28, 2016

First children’s program.  The children have been practicing for a couple of months to present a dramatization of the Creation story.  I had finished the costumes and Linda and Gisela painted faces.  The kids made one last practice, especially our song.  The parents were really supportive and success! One thing was really funny.  I led the song off to the side and my job was to guide the hand motions.  The children were a little bashful and no one could muster the courage and do the motions.  I sure I was a funny site, but most could not see me.  We laughed afterwards that everyone broke an arm instead of the tradition, “break a leg.”  It was a big step for them.  The good news was that it reopened the door for Alba to come.  She had her two daughters and her niece to come and participate.  I study with the niece’s mom, Angelica, but she didn’t come because of the birth of her son.  Alba keeps coming and visiting off and on.  She is the lady who first caught me in the street and asked where I went to church.  The expression, “poco a poco” is a popular statement here, little by little.  I am prayerful that over time, she will be a dedicated, involved, saved sister, along with her sister Angelica. For the afternoon, Dwaine helped me get ready for Salcoatitán children’s class.  It was Brianna’s birthday....2 years old!  Her grandmother made matching outfits for Karly and Brianna and Linda celebrated in class with a big cake.  The kids (and adults) were delighted!

Children's Program


Salcoatitan and Briana's Birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday Briana

August 27, 2016

Continuation of preacher retreat with a fantastic conclusion…..I got up at 4 to cook some cookies.  On Friday night we had served fruit breads and coffee and we wanted to do this again.  Fatima wanted to help me, but I really didn’t want to wake her up at this hour to cook.  She got up about 5:30 and I had save some cookies for her help with.  All came together to leave at 7:40.  We drove to Entre Nubes in Ataco for breakfast and Hector to do a lesson on finances.  Afterwards we drove to Apaneca to Lago Verde to have a cookout and fellowship time. Noe brought the meat and Hector brought his grill.  It took an hour to do the cooking and we ate about 2.  Everyone was really hungry and the food was great.  Next we had a dynamic to summarize the weekend and we ended about 3:30. I had studied  with Ana Vilma with Carolina for some time and then when her husband George joined the study, Dwaine joined in.  They came at 4:30, so we were trying to get home in time for a short break and time to pick them up.  We ran a little late because of the passage….the last shall be first and the first shall be last….well a paraphrase.  So, we had arrived first at the lake, but due to the narrow road, we were last to leaveJ!  So, within a few minutes of getting home, there was a knock on the door.  Ana Vilma and George had walked over with Nelson and their nephew, Jose Raul.  The boys worked on some coloring pages and we had a great study with the couple.  Just last Sunday, Ana Vilma and George were married and this night, they wanted to be baptized to marry Christ!  We studied for over an hour and they wanted to make this decision tonight.  We had not tried out the pila at the church, so Dwaine headed to the building to fill in and I took them home to pick up some more clothes.  Ana Vilma’s sister (mother of Jose Raul), Flor, joined us as well.  At the building, we called people off the street to join us as many people pass by that we know and study with.  Mr. Rivas joined us and he was very convicted by the baptism.  He had asked to see a baptism and it moved him deeply.  Cesar picked up Xiomara and her family and that was good.  Celia and Terry walked by, but they wanted to go home first and come back.  In the end, they did not join us.  Several members joined us as well and it was a blessing to have everyone.  Being the first time to use the pila had its own set of issues….how to turn, how to avoid bumping heads, how to completely submerge, etc.  All came together and we celebrated two new births in the kingdom! 

Preacher's Meeting


Jorge's Baptism

Ana Vilma's Baptism