Wednesday, August 3, 2016

August 2, 2016

Whirlwind days.  We are back in full swing. First we went to our meeting.  I am usually the only lady there now a days, so I miss other women’s input.  It was suggested that we buy meals for the upcoming preacher’s meeting and I dug in my heels.  After all, there are usually only 15, so that is not too much prep after cooking for the group with about 40 every meeting.  So, the men relented and let me cook.  Next we talked about squeezing in some events into the calendar and some good ideas just had to be put on the back burner for a few months, because we are so jammed packed.  We did decide on a children’s day for October first in combo with the ladies’ event, so that well be exciting.  Afterwards, Dwaine and I used the last few minutes before lunch for door knocking to hand out invites for this weekend’s ladies’ event.  We are always prayerful that we will have some good connections through that ministry. We went home for lunch and rested about 30 minutes.  It is really hot today, especially at noon.  After lunch Dwaine and Cesar went out to follow-up on some studies and I picked up Xiomara and Gisela to go to Ana’s.  It was the first time they were able to go with me and I think they enjoyed getting to know Sister Ana some.  They did say due to some studies, they couldn’t go to any studies on Wednesday, so after I dropped them off, I went by Sister Regina’s.  She is still very sick and can hardly get out of bed.  A sister from Salcoatitan was visiting her when I arrived and I was glad to know that she had someone stopping by.  Overall, the main problems are a severe headache, a fever and high blood pressure.  We are in prayer for her recovery.  On Wed., the children will be out of school, but they will have a competition day at school with the band, games and some basketball.  Arnoldo was going to that and Kenia was caring for her mom, so neither of them could go out.  It looks like I may be on by own, so that may knock out my study with Briseida since I can’t go back to the cemetery alone.  Otherwise, I should have one study and I can hand out some invites.  For the evening, Dwaine studied with Don Santos and I made book covers for a prayer journal for the ladies’ event.  I was marbling some paper in milk paint for the covers and they turned out really nice.  The only problem I could only do three at a time before needing to change the milk and redistribute the colors.  I only need about 120 pages and then I will have to repeat this again in about two weeks for Salcoatitan.  I think I quit after about 50, but it was a good start. 

A friend waiting for us when we came home for lunch.

I was trying to catch it in flight for its beautiful red wings. 
This is a blurry attempt.

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