Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 18, 2015

There are houses for rent in Juayua!  We met Cesar, Eliza and Abby in front of Super Selectos in Juayua at 11:45.  We had a 12:00 appointment with a man who had said he had small houses, large houses and apartments for rent.  However, he only showed us one place and it did have a smaller living area and a larger living area in it as well as a couple of large single rooms but it was all divided up in a strange way and was not very useful.  We were told that it used to be one large house but the owner had died and it was divided up among his 4 children who were each trying to keep his part and rent it out so it just didn’t work.  Then we went to a place we had seen from the outside before but had not been able to go in.  It had been a restaurant so it was laid out strange also.  There were 2 nice rooms in one building that could have been a living room and a bed room but the kitchen was way on the other side of the grounds about 50 feet away.  Also, there was a bathroom just outside the two room house but it had no shower.  The only shower was also across the grounds along with two other bathrooms marked for men and ladies who were customers at the restaurant.  The one really nice feature was a large covered area that could have served very well for a meeting place for the church.  They were also asking $350 per month which is pretty high for here.  We went back over to Sister Regina’s house to rest and do some visiting.  It was her 50th. Birthday and Charlotte had baked some bread for her and the group.  We had coffee and bread and visited a while.  Then we went to have a study with a lady who owned a restaurant in Juayua where the brothers had been going for lunch to develop a relationship with her.  She said she belonged to the Assembly of God and asked who we were and why were there so many different churches.  That was a great question for a study of restoring New Testament Christianity.  We studied for about 45 minutes and told her we would come back again.  We had heard about another house but the owner was not getting back in town until about 6:00.  We went to Mr. River’s house at 5:30 so we could get done a little earlier and try to see the house.  Mr. Rivers was out of town this week so we went on to the restaurant that belonged to the owner of this house and she was back.  Sister Regina went with us because she was a distant relative of the lady.  We went to the house and it turned out to be pretty nice.  It had a really large and pretty living room that would accommodate several people for a small group study.  It had a large kitchen, large bathroom with shower and two bedrooms as well as a nice area in back for storage and wash room.  The only thing it did not have was a garage but the street was wide and not very busy.  It was only $150 per month and considering it was pretty nice and very roomy and how hard it was to find a place in Juayua before it was snapped up Cesar and Eliza decided to take it.  They came on over to our house in Ataco to spend the night so they would not have to drive to Santa Ana in the dark.  We had been expecting our tank for the stove to run out anytime and sure enough it did while Charlotte was cooking dinner.  Fortunately she was almost done and all turned out great.  While she was cooking, a sister, Juanita, came over with a vegetable for a gift.  She gave directions on how to cook, but both Charlotte and Eliza were uncertain.  So, she stayed and helped Charlotte to cook it.  It was a stir fry with onions, tomato, and egg.  In the end, it had a little bit of a bitter taste, but good.  Charlotte sent some home with her for her dinner as well.   We are really excited about Cesar and Eliza finding the house, they are going to move in 2 weeks and then we will be able to start the work in Juayua in earnest so keep all this in your prayers.  All is going too well and I am sure there will be some turns in the road.  Happy Birthday to our son-in-law, Dan!  We tried to skype, but they were out.

First house we looked at with large grounds.

Kitchen is to the right, far from the house.

House that is a go for Cesar and Eliza.

Large kitchen that will be painted and two bedrooms to the side.

Yeah, an insect!  Close up of an ant with a large load.

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