Monday, March 23, 2015

March 22, 2015

Sunday is such a day of fellowship.  Blessings flowed at Shucutitan as Reina made her first church service as a new sister in Christ.  What a smile she had!  A day of communion and rejoicing with our new sister.  And, there’s more!  Last week the young ladies went across the field and visited a lady, Rosaria.  Lucky had been reading with her, but she was not at home when we visited, so we did not make the contact.  She was home on Sunday, so we got to have a devotional with her.  She is not a Christian and had never visited the church.  Well, Sunday morning she was at church at Shucutitan!  What a blessing and sweet hug!  She said she would be glad to have Dwaine and I to come on Wednesday to talk and study.  Bessy is going to be able to join us as well.  We will just try to study early and then head on out to Juayua for Wednesday.  I was overwhelmed at how God works in the lives of people. Afterwards, I stayed with the teen girls and they decided to plan a spend the night at our home early Abril.  Now that will be an interesting go of things.  I will probably try to work on keeping them fed all night and let them play games and fellowship.  We also did some visiting.  Dwaine stayed for the lunch, but then went home with Edgardo until I finished the visiting.  His family was home, so he got some good fellowship time in. When we got home, we got to skype with Samuel, Caleb and Charlotte.  Samuel is from El Salvador and was staying with Caleb during his spring break.  It was strange to be reversed, with us in Ataco and Samuel and Caleb in Alabama. We rested a few minutes at home and then headed out to the Ataco service.  Greg Nance taught on the Sermon on the Mount and I think had memorized the entire sermon.  It was impressive and very moving.  Almost immediately we headed out to Juayua.  We had a huge crowd.  Osvaldo brought an entire truck load from Ahuachapan, there was a group from Ataco, and visitors from Santa Ana.  Osvaldo preached and Dwaine did some translating in the back room for Greg.  Towards the end, the electricity went out and the service ended in flash light and candle light.  Cesar will take over and begin full time preaching in April

Characters in Sunday School

Teen Girls

Carolina was so funny about this tree.  She called it un arbol de las ropas....
a clothe's tree and then she said it was known for its special fruit, pants and blouses.

Teen girls out visiting

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