Monday, November 23, 2015

November 22, 2015

Final good-byes.  Starting at 10:30, seems like late.  We took a long walk for the morning.  We were hoping that Kelly and the children were going to service, but because it was so rainy Saturday she had to make tortillas on Sunday.  So, we missed them coming.  We had some form Apaneca and some regulars, but the morning service is hard for some due to work. It was good to visit some with Sister Regina and she said that she was improving each day from her surgery.  When we finished, Dwaine and I went by to visit with Sara.  We talked about changing the service time and invited them to the children and ladies’ event on Tuesday.  She said they would come.  Then we went home to work on several upcoming lessons.  About four we got a call to go to Hector and Rachel’s for some final details and good-byes from the Nances.  It seems their visit was really short, only a week.  Rachel will be making the trip back with them on Monday.  It was great to see folks from Central and to get to talk about campaign plans for the summer.  Michael, Joseph and Amy said they were still taking notes during sermons and I told them I had told several people here how good of a job they were doing.  After final good-byes we headed home to work, yet some more on lessons.  We made it until about 11 and finally had to call it a night.   

Nice rainbow at the Cortez'a.

Rainbow ends at three crosses on hillside.

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