Monday, November 30, 2015

November 28, 2015

New studies!  Zuleyma and Arnoldo arrived about 9 on Saturday to begin follow-up work on the ladies that came to our event and wanted to study.  Arnoldo helped to carry Danielito and the diaper bag.  While five requested visits, one was a neighbor of Zuleyma and she was not available for today.  She is the lady that we visited several weeks ago that had lost a grandson to the gangs.  So, we went to our first, and the lady was not home.  The second was a neighbor and they were available.  They invited us in.  There was a man, his wife and young girl of about 5ish and a toddler of about 15 months.  I did not take a picture, but the baby had a crib/playpen with sides made of a wooden frame and several strands of twine running back and forth to create a barrier.  I prayed that a family member was always nearby because a small head could easily be caught in the twine.  The family was eager to study and they all listened.  Currently, they are not going to a church mostly because of the trouble to take the young children and thier work.  The man had several questions if prophecy was still happening today.  This is a common question and I shared several verses.  Dwaine had recently finished an indepth study on this topic and I wish that he had come along.  I did not expect to study with both a husband and wife.  He had stayed home only because we thought it would just be ladies.  Next, another lady was not at home and finally, we found our last study.  While this lady attends a church, she had the study and said she would continue studying.  She had just lost a grandchild.  Her daughter’s son of just a few months had suddenly come down with a virus and passed away quickly only two months ago.  So many are faced with tragedies.  Dwaine volunteered to teach the English because we were only expecting a few students.  I stayed to work on my Sunday children’s class because it was my turn to do this.  When he returned Arnoldo was with him and Cesar arrived soon.  Kelly and Nicole and Kiki came for a study and we shared some coffee and cookies.  She said she was expecting company on Sunday and would not be able to come.  We headed out for the Sat. service and stopped to check if Mr. Rivers could go.  He could!  Afterwards, I let Dwaine off at Selectos to get some food for Wicket and I drove on to take Mr. Rivers home and to walk Zuleyma home from our door.  I took a flash light and the walk is very short.  On the way back, a lady with a young girl stopped me and asked where I went to church because she had visited our event!  Wow, that was so unexpected.  I told her where we met and told her she could ride with us.  While it is only a 5 minute ride to church, she did seem a little apprehensive to ride with us.  Dwaine arrived from the store and we told her that Zuleyma also rode with us and they were probably neighbors.  Hopefully she will come.  That was an exciting end to the day!

Sister Regina joined us for the first time for a class after her surgery!!!

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