Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 26, 2015

Fruit basket turnover.  Sunday’s always bring an early morning for cooking.  It is fun to cook for the teen girls and be with them on Sunday’s.  But this Sunday we did fruit basket turnover and I had an expected group for lunch.  After service at Shucutitan, the men and ladies who did not have a husband at church, stayed afterwards for a meeting the Ataco church situation.  Hector had found a site he wanted the church to consider for moving.  For about 9 months, the Ataco church has been meeting in two places, Shucutitan and Ataco because they do not have a building of their own.  After some discussion on the property for consideration, the church decided against the investment.  They will continue to search and consider places as options become available.  So, they met for about an hour.  The ladies who had husbands in the meeting and who did not attend came and hung out with the teen girls.  The teen girls on the other hand had several girls out.  So our lunch and class was not so ‘teen.’  One of the girls was supposed to do the lesson, but forgot her notes at her home.  Bessy did an impromptu lesson and the ladies and teens and lots of great comments.  Afterwards, we came home.  I worked on the children’s class and then had a rest while the guys rested and then worked on lessons.  We left for Juayua, but stopped by Sarita’s for ice cream first.  I told Clifton if he stayed for a while longer, we might officially call Sunday afternoon ice cream a habit.  We did miss it though.  Ataco was having their 2nd annual Coffee Day celebration and there were more people and vendors than usual.  I would have especially liked to try out some of the coffees.  Maybe next year.  Juayua was a little on the quiet side.  I only had two students for Bible class and we only had one visitor, Carlos.  We knew our English students had another commitment.  Julia was dressed to go, but workers had come by to trim trees in front of her house.  She was afraid of snakes so she wanted to burn all the leaves and branches.  We wish that we had come earlier and could have helped her some.  It was a fair size pile and one neighbor was helping.  Mr. Rivas has a bad tendon in a foot and it was especially painful, so he said he would try on Wednesday.  Attendance is bound to have its ups and downs.  It was a great service with Cesar preaching.  Sister Regina had been staying with Zuleyma for 40 nights to help with Daniel.  That is the custom for a mom who has a Cesarean.  Sunday night will be her last night to spend the night and I know she is really tired.  She will still be helping a lot, but she will be back at home with her family. 

Coffee Festival in Ataco

2nd Annual Event

Lot's of people and vendors

Crowns for King Saul

Binoculars to find Saul hiding

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