Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 28, 2015

Another piece of the puzzle.  When Charlotte was here last October with Caleb and Della for their last week, the car was transferred to Charlotte's name at least on paper.  When we went to pay the annual tax we were told that we would have to go through a legal process to get the transfer recognized by the DMV.  That day we did not have time to do everything but we wanted to make sure we got it done before we came back for our month visit to the states because by the time we got back the document Charlotte had would be almost a year old.  We got up and left at 8:00 and picked up Cesar at 8:30.  We went through Los Naranahos to go to Santa Ana from Juayua and it is always a beautiful mountainous drive.  As we were on our way we passed a bus with all the people standing outside with their hands behind their heads and policemen with guns.  Cesar said that they were being searched for weapons.  We saw another load in the same place on the way back doing the exact same thing.   The gangs here have started killing bus drivers to try to shut down the transportation system, and it is working.  They killed 5 drivers on Monday alone and no buses were running on Tuesday in San Salvador because of a driver's strike.  We had not heard as much lately and had hoped that things were getting better but no such luck.  When we got home Charlotte did some looking on the web and found there have been twice as many murders this year here compared to the same time last year.  El Salvador needs prayers but even though we have definitely seen an increase in police in our area we have not heard of much violence except in San Salvador. When we got to the DMV they said Clifton and I could not go in so Charlotte and Cesar went in and Clifton and I went back and waited in the car.  All went well though Charlotte said the lady had to re-fill out the papers that Cesar had filled out and they got into three or four wrong lines.  The main thing is that now the car will be registered in Charlotte's name and if the day ever comes when we want to sell it we will be able to.  Cesar lived in Santa Ana before he moved to Juayua so he needed to go by a credit union to close an account.  We were glad to get to help him do something because he is always helping us.  After all that was done it was near lunch and we went to Burger King since there is not one near Ataco or Juayua.  After lunch we went a few miles past Santa Ana to the home of a family who orders and distributes the hymnals that we use here in all the churches.  We got 10 for the church in Juayua and 2 as gifts for other people.  We enjoyed visiting with the family.  The man and his wife were pretty old.  He had quit his job many years ago to become a full time preacher, he had actually been an elder for some years which is really rare here, and they have a son who is a preacher and a daughter whose husband is a preacher.  After that we headed home and dropped Cesar back off in Juayua on the way.  We were so worn out we all rested for a little while then we got to skype with Caleb and little Charlotte some before we went to the evening study at Zoila's.  At the end of the study two different people asked for prayers for relatives who were police in San Salvador.  Charlotte said we should mention that the last 3 night we have been getting a net amount of more sleep though we are not sure about the gross amount.  She said that Saturday night something bit her in several places and she itched all night so we decided to try the mosquito net for the bed.  I sure was glad Clifton was here to help set it up.  We have not had any bites since setting it up.  It does require some zipping to get in and out but is worth it.  

Bus Search for Weapons on the way to Santa Ana

Bus Search for Weapons returning from Santa Ana

Brother who works on the street, has all the DMV papers.

Got this in the States?....Nacho Whopper!
Burger King in Santa Ana!

Stopped by Chalchuapa to pick up song books.
Brother was suffering from Chikungunya.

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