Friday, July 3, 2015

July 3, 2015

We spent the morning working around the house and resting a little.  I got the car cleaned and waxed again because of the group coming Monday and it was really dirty.  People had been writing on it.  After lunch we headed out to Natividad’s to study.  She said her grand baby Christopher was in the hospital.  We learned later that he had pneumonia.  She said all he wanted to do was sleep and he would not hardly eat or even cry.  We have not gotten a latter report on his health but keep him in your prayers.  Natividad said she was also still having a lot of pain and our new sister, her daughter, Mirdna said she was having a lot of pain also.  It was a chronic condition and she was still working but said it hurt a lot and she was having a hard time walking.  Next we went by Reina’s for a visit.  Lucky had gotten her set up with little soft drink can mini player that use a small chip that can be re-recorded on over and over.  Carlos is taking her a new chip each week with the readings on it that will be covered that week in the studies at Ataco church.  She was so excited as she demonstrated it to us.  We told her she was all set since she no longer needed anyone to read to her.  We enjoyed our visit with her.  It is so great that she is our sister now.  As we went back to the car we stopped at Bessie’s mom’s house.  We didn’t stay long but had a good visit and she said she wanted to have us over while Clifton is here.  We got back home in time to catch Hector and the group that had worked at the school and ride with them to the evening meeting in Imaculata.  It was way out on rough roads and I was hoping to keep the car a little cleaner for at least a few days. There was a pretty good crowd, especially of kids and Carlos did a good job preaching about the Prodigal Son.  After the service we got in the back van, the one Hector was not driving, and I guess he forgot we were on there.  He headed out the back way, we had thought he would go back through Ataco and we would get off in town.  Instead he came out to the road about a mile down from Ataco so we asked Ze who was driving the van we were in to let us off at the turn to go toward Apeneca.  We always see people walking along the road or beside it at night with no flashlights but tonight we got to be two of them.  Fortunately it was most all downhill.  I had not seen Charlotte walk that fast for that long a distance in a long time.  But we made it home with no problems and got some good exercise in the cool night air.  

Great looking caterpillar.

Soda Can has a microchip able to record and play the Bible.

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